They killed themselves by a psychological factor. And this total removal of Deagel came soon afteran expose about them on Doug Caseys International Manthat went viral, an expose in which Casey called Deagels forecastthe biggest thing in the worldfor their massive depopulation prediction for America and Western Europe. Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast I occasionally wonder if Whitebeard isn't a Professor of History at Princeton masquerading as a musician for kicks. Deagel Goes Dark - Deep State Sourced Website - Messano News Titanic Theory:The Titanic was sunk intentionally by the US government in order to kill three wealthy businessmen who were opposed to the federal reserve. Now some claim these deaths will be due to COVID-vaccines "true purpose" of depopulating world. Im shocked there were no responses to this article! These governments are planning the utter destruction of their own populations. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. has copies saved back as far as 2003, but the earliest I can get any of its predictions is 2008. The Deagel Report: An Eerily Accurate View Of What America Will Look PPL willingly killing themselves - truly the World has been deceived - End times for many, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Identify the name of the individual, group or institution that created the website. Withslow-JoeBiden occupying the White House, and at a time of systematic,big techcensorship and widespread Democrat corruption, truthful media and alternative views are crucial.). Jihadists will be the preferred ideology for the so called NWO as it's designed for slaves to want to be slaves and if anyone speaks out its punishable by death, it encourages even family members to kill anyone including family any and all opposition. Here's Deagel's update, which forecasts a 78% in the U.S. population and more than 50% in the UK, Australia, Sweden, etc: "The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. US needs to lose a lot more than Deagel predicts. Here is the text, which reads much in the same style as the text from the site explaining the predictions. (Note: The Taepodong-X is apparently one of the more uncommon names for the Hwasong-10, or Musudan missile.). A light in the darkness! In fact I think its fair say that every billionaire should give 70% of their families up for depopulation. Even before the pandemic, none of those predictions had shown any sign of coming true for, any more than the opposite predictions for the US, but 2020 has taken China and India in the opposite direction of the prediction. Fipadoc - France. I guess they wanted to look authoritative to their new followers. Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil () hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. I pull up the stats on US pop, do the math, and came up with 99 million unjabbed. It can be effective for awhile but finally wont address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. Deagel is Americas most secret intelligence agency so secretive that few people know of its existence and others claim the organization doesnt legitimately exist at all. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. 4.9k. As you can see, the predictions are not especially accurate. 1. The list of countries: Today on TruNews, we discuss a new prediction by the publishers of military-analyst outlet, forecasting that 233 million Americans will leave or be killed by 2025, and societal collapse, and nuclear and biological war with Russia and China will cause this dramatic end to the United States as we know it. The right fonts - Make sure your font matches the general style, and is legible. 25.09.2015 Unterzeichnung der Agenda 2030 von 193 Lndern. Deagel Is Gone Now, Wiped Off The Internet - SGT Report I want to share this with some people. There is a lot of good thought here on differing opinions. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Variant with solid-propellant missile engine. Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. The Deagel report, issued in 2014, predicted a huge global population reduction by 2025. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them. CCP behind it ALL - WWIII w/o firing a shot. Massive Global Depopulation Predicted By - The Aquarius Bus Military Site's Forecast for 2025: Economic Collapse Will Lead to By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Superhero origin story here. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? A good website loads super fast, from anywhere in the world. There website has articles dating back to 2003, but little is known about the real owners. We assume that the official data, especially economic, released by governments is fake, cooked or distorted in some degree. The formerly known as second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Many online researchers have erroneously confused this site with "" which is owned by Edwin Deagle. The list has been put together by the alleged "security firm" Deagel; The article says the following about Deagel: According to their own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. If Deagel is an accurate forecast, then - 1. predicts up to 80% of population culled by 2025 in countries where Europeans live UK, US, and Germany look to be "epicenters of slaughter" (Updated 1/16/23) James Hill, MD Dec 5, 2021 41 61 Researcher Craig Paardekooper released this report on predictions of global population reduction from military analysis website Aninteresting statementregarding the forecast was made by the authors on Deagels forecast page on October 26, 2014. by Doug Casey. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. Your email address will not be published. More specifically, the best-designed websites use a grid-based layout (you should adapt your layout to the type of content you share) to keep content aligned, optimize load time, are mobile-friendly, and use compelling copy. Simple math, if Whitebeard's number is correct then any global depopulation effort must increase the daily global death rate by 350,000 persons. You are using an out of date browser. PDF The Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast - The Aquarius Bus the planet will be better off. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. The owner seems to have worked on it since it started getting passed around to the CT sites. List of Countries Forecast 2025. Of course, all that doesn't even matter because. The stats are as follows; 2015 GDP: $17,950,000 2025 GDP: $949,193; 2015 Military Expenditures: $781,000 2025 Military Expenditures: $8,169 Made famous by its infamous gloomy predictions :, (though it's really probably actually nothing more than. Make sure you do everything you can to get those pages to load as fast as possible. Maybe that is the plan of the criminals running our government. This conveniently allows them to ignore any data provided by official sources that conflicts with their results, a hideous combination of No True Scotsman and Cherry Picking. I have just ordered a customs made tin foil hat, folks. ( A girl said this after she killed a demon and saved MC). Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and clients, according to their own website: This highly regarded intelligence organization has a grim outlook for the United States in the coming years including a 78% decrease in population. It belongs to Computer & Equipment Dealers industry. youll be one of the first to be exterminated. Sadly all the cadre's under him right along the chain of command from the highest to the lowest didn't have the intestinal fortitude to tell the truth so they just told the cadre who was the next rung up what they wanted to hear to save themselves til the story Mao wanted to hear got back to him. For instance, in almost all British cities, mortality conditions in the 1860s were no betterand were often worsethan in the 1850s. VIEWS. This is a far cry from their projected 80-90% depopulation projection, and their entire thesis is based on several extremely radical presumptions. Your email address will not be published. The Deagel 2025 Projections - Rense List of Reliable Websites for Research & Examples of Credible Sources We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. It paid special attention to 13 key countries in which the United States had a special political and strategic interest: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. As of 24 August 2020 this note is no longer available on their site, as their forecast page has been modified.
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