An individual of David Hale's age range was listed in the Isaac Hale house - hold for the year but may have been living elsewhere on the property. 255. the Old School Presbyterians, and consequently tended to adopt an attitude of fatalism. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, July 11, 1839, punctuation added for clarity. 142. Grave of Alvin Smith is seen at the far left. 96. Isaac contested 40 acres of the assessment, arguing a son-in-law, Michael B. Morse, lived on 27 acres, and a son-in-law, Joseph Smith Jr., lived on 13 acres of the land, and they should pay the tax for their part of his property. Most of Isaacs sons were boatmen on the river during their younger days, and these men typically traveled in groups of three to six through the German settlements of southern Pennsylvania.123, While the valley soon produced carpenters, weavers, blacksmiths, and other craftsmen, Isaac Hale spent the majority of his time pursuing the other major profession available to the settlershunting and fishing. For additional background see Francis Whiting Halsey,The Old New York Frontier(New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1901), 28. I told him as God has convinced him it is his duty to pray in secret, he ought to pray for a heart to pray. The minister then went on to partially defend his inability to pray as directed by telling Colbert about the Shaking Quakers, or Shakers, a religious group Colbert had not heard about, who had an old woman among them calld the Elect Lady, who fortold her own death. While she accurately predicted the time of her death, the minister was convinced the devil had come to take her. 149. These sources also disagree as to where Elizabeth was born, but Andersons claim Elizabeth was born in Litchfield may be because the Lewis property was on the township line, while her family home was on the Goshen side of the line but still in Litchfield County. The 1828 assessment on the land included a detailed description of its use and, when combined with information from a 1937 aerial photograph and a careful walk of the property to discover stone fence remnants or land use details, gives a picture of how the Hales organized their land. Ezra Stiles, the president of Yale College, lived near both Isaacs maternal and paternal families when he recorded in his diary gossip he heard from Governor Trumbull, who, he believed, received it directly from governor John Winthrop the Younger himself, how Winthrop had found plenty of Gold in a secret gold mine in the nearby mountains and had made a gold ring he showed off to his friends. David Hale expressed some uncertainty as to exactly when his father arrived in the Susquehanna Valley, dating the event to 1787 or thereabout.45 Buck and Hale were still up river at the Onondaga village in July of that year, but resources were quickly used up, leading them to follow the Warrior Path down river in the last months of that year or first months of the next.46 Hale wintered over in the valley, hunting to support himself and probably Daniel Bucks family. Photograph by Mark L. Staker. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,4:11923; Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,95. But when Catlins neighbor turned up a brass kettle with his plow, he thought that might have been the one he heard about and returned it to the Indians.266 Blackman observed of the Westfall property, On the draft of a survey made by a Pennsylvania agent in 1785, six small wigwams are marked . Included in this list but not in the original directive was malt houses. Harmony was the home of Isaac Hale, father of Smith's wife, Emma Hale. When Lucy Smith recalled years later her visit at the Hale home in autumn 1828, she described the home as amansion that included convenient appendage necessary. Since the dimensions of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale home and its proposed layout were similar to the Joseph and Lucy Smith frame home in Manchester, New York, Lucy must have focused on something other than size in her exuberant description. Even though he was farming rented land nearby, David was still tied to his father, and his father paid taxes on both homes as residences on his property.252 Twenty-nine-year-old David married his neighbor Rhoda Jane Skinner in 1822. . He may have also visited his father, Reuben Hale, or older brother, Reuben Hale Jr., both veterans of the recent war, or with his sisters Naomi and Antha (Diantha) Hale. Isaac Hales assessment was not crossed out and lowered with the others, perhaps because his was considered a larger commercial like operation. Emma and her family remained rich in real estate but poor in capital. They were the parents of at least 5 sons and 4 daughters. George Washington had invited Pickering to negotiate a settlement with the Seneca Indians in western Pennsylvania which the Colonel did with such success that Washington made him Indian commissioner to the Iroquois. a sturdy but somewhat eccentric man, he was also remembered as the wealthiest Methodist in the valley.298 After decades of struggle and hardship, the Hale family had acquired the furnishings of genteel living. Six years had passed since then. 4 (Fall 1984): 44950. 262. These men assessed real property in Harmony Township as directed in Section Eight of the General Assembly Act of April 11, 1799, implementing the tax laws that remained in place for many years (with some small revisions made in 1834 and 1844). Pvt Isaac Hale (1763-1839) - Find a Grave Memorial 160. Ronald W. Walker, The Persisting Idea of American Treasure Hunting,BYU Studies24, no. Isaacs grandmother may not have lived long afterward, however, or others agreed to take over responsibility for her care, since in 1784 Hale deeded the property earmarked for her care to his uncle David Ward, and he left for Connecticut.26 Hale may have returned to his birthplace to reconnect with the rest of his Ward relatives, particularly his uncles and aunts Jesse and Eunice Ward Cady and Daniel and Tryal Ward Curtis, since he later named two of his children Jesse and Tryal. I dont know how but he followed me into the house . 293. Emmas influential prayer seems to not only have made a difference for her father, but her missionary spirit seems to have influenced others as well. Letter For My Wife Rebuttal, Part 6: The Early Church - The Translation [B]Two topics that are often misunderstood in Latter-day Saint circles are those of folklore and what is sometimes termed "folk magic." When we hear those words, as a people we tend to think of something negative or spiritually dangerous. Emma was 21years old when she met 19-year-old Joseph Smith at the end of October 1825. George Peck recalled, during the years he was a circuit rider preaching in the Hale home, how his own fourteen-year-old sister developed a similar missionary enthusiasm. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, December 24, 1836, punctuation added for clarity. The site was very clean as if they had internalized Methodist founder John Wesleys aphorism cleanliness is next to godliness.299 Despite John Comforts later concerns that an interest in pursuing wealth was creeping into their Methodist community and overshadowing religious devotion, the Hale family appears to have reconciled the role of wealth into their religious practice. Her mother-in-law, Lucy Mack Smith, praised Emmas character: I have never seen a woman in my life, who would endure every species of fatigue and hardship, from month to month, and from year to year, with that unflinching courage, zeal, and patience, which she has always done. 116. These artifacts were in the upper layer of the topsoil and Isaac Hale likely knew of an earlier Native American presence on his property.96, Near Ouaquaga village where Daniel Buck and Isaac Hale first lived, the new settlers developed an intense interest in buried wealth. S. Hall,The School of Good Manners, Composed for the Help of Parents in Teaching their Children(Boston: S. Hall, 1790), 1011. That same day, Julia Clapp Murdock died giving birth to twins, Joseph and Julia. 308. 51. See Emily Blackman, draft version of History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna County Historical Association, Montrose, Pennsylvania. There are a large number of headstones made by Coffin Man in the region, and Nancy Mess has identified him as J. W. Stewart of Coventryville, New York. It had one roughly eight feet square chamber on the main level attached to the kitchen and either two large upstairs sleeping chambers ten feet deep by thirteen feet wide or four small upstairs chambers less than ten feet deep by six feet wide. Peck notes that the woman who taught at the school attended the services but lived in Windsor and commuted to work. . Isaac apparently rented out his log home to these groups of men to make some money, and he may have even briefly been a little deluded in involving himself in their search for buried relics and money.269 Since his son David was renting the Westfall property and involved in later contract arrangements, it is likely David was also involved for a time. Norris Galpin Osborn,Men of Mark in Connecticut(Hartford: William R. Goodspeed, 1906), 340. Timothy Pickering to Rebecca White Pickering, February 21, 1808; Rebecca Pickering to Timothy Pickering Jr. March 27, 1808. Joseph Smith Jr. resided near me for some time after this, and I had a good opportunity of becoming acquainted with him, and somewhat acquainted with his associates, and I conscientiously believe from the facts I have detailed, and from many other circumstances, which I do not deem it necessary to relate, that the whole "Book of Mormon" (so called) is a silly fabrication of falsehood and wickedness, got up for speculation, and with a design to dupe the credulous and unwary -- and in order that its fabricators may live upon the spoils of those who swallow the deception. The tax records also confirm the Hale family had a log home in 1798 and imply one of their two homes taxed in 1813 was a log home. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,102. Joseph wrote with a similar tone of respect and admiration even after his father-in-law had written a negative affidavit about him, SeeJSP, H1: 234; Anderson,Lucys Book, 259 note 82; Oliver Cowdery, Letter VIII,Latter Day Saints Messenger and Advocate2, no. Ben Pykles, personal communication to author, December 28, 2011. Emma (Hale) Bidamon (1804-1879) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree Isaac Hale (1763 - 1839): Father of Joseph Smith's lawful wife, Emma Tax Assessement, December 31, 1823 for 1824 Season, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, Pennsylvania. Isaac Hale is the son of the wealthiest farmer in the village where Feyre Archeron and her family live. But by July, her attitude toward the practice had shifted again, and she burned a manuscript copy of the revelation on plural marriage now found in Doctrine and Covenants132. 61. Also available as A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 18161831, Dissertations in Latter-day Saint History (Provo, UT: Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History; BYU Studies, 2000). Salt Lake City: Hawkes Publishing, 1991. He specifically mentioned in court testimony that one of his neighbors particularly liked his sugar. In early 1776 Nathaniel Lewis transferred his home with its sixteen acres of land by deed to his commanding officer, David Welch, and he took his family north to the Green Mountains.73 Although the family may have traveled with relatives, Elizabeth Lewis at only eight-years-old still held significant responsibility during the move, helping her expecting mother with her brothers and sisterseven-year-old Nathaniel Jr., five-year-old John, and two-year-old Esther. As the turnpike squeezed between the mountains, the rough road slumped into the Susquehanna Valley descending toward the river bend with its consistent early morning fog and faint smell of wet earth. 39. Several decades later, in 1825 Isaacs sons Jesse and Ward bought the Traves sawmill, and the illiterate John and Mercy Travis both signing their X for the transaction.143 Some of the millers, sawyers and workmen of these mills were among the earliest converts to Mormonism.144. Local historians explored their history, their minister wrote about them in his autobiography, and during the late nineteenth century the steamboat Erminie took tourists downriver to see their property and hear about Joseph Smith.315 Although Isaac Hale may have wished a life of distinguished solitude, he was thrust onto the public arena against his will. He established another congregation about ten miles upriver from the Hales in South Bainbridge, New York, and found success in other valleys in the region. Born 21 Mar 1763 in New Haven, Connecticut. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,57. The later history of the home and Hale property are documented in Mark Staker, Emma Hale Smith and Her Family in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Historic Sites Files, 2010, CHL. Isaac and Elizabeth Hales children all married, and each initially settled on or near the Hale farm. David Hales later financial records indicate Alva gave him the twenty-five dollars left him in Isaacs will. Isaac continued to be taxed on two homes from 1816 until 1819. Emma first met Joseph Smith Jr. in 1825, while he boarded with her family. Call us at (425) 485-6059. For many years there were no denominations save Presbyterians [Congregationalists].170, This early religious awakening in the valley did not last long because of what became known as the Buck difficulty in 1799. See Sacred Music,The Centinel,1 (December 1, 1816): 3; Church Music,The Centinel2 (May 17, 1817): 3. [1]:7 Hiding the plates in his coat, he descended down the hill after many hours, and instead of taking them home, Joseph hid the plates. Robert H. Rose, letter to Miss Jane Hodge, October 1, 1809; Day,Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, 622. Jared Sparks,The Works of Benjamin Franklin(Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company, 1840), 1:59697. Joseph Smith's father in law, Emma's father, the hunter and farmer and innkeeper Isaac Hale (17763-1839), was anything but a fan of his son in law. Shortly after Emmas death, Forscutt spent five days writing up his history of Emma while living with her son Joseph III. Joseph Smith's Witchcraft, Scrying and Arrest 1820 - 1827 Searle, diary, June 1832Nov. Post noted in his journal: I thought R. H. Rose to be a gentleman & a man of honour & that his word might be depended upon but Alas! If she were to have divorced Smith for his infidelity, she would have faced a difficult world being a woman of that era. 1833, September 2, 1832; Theological Seminary,General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary(Andover, Mass. As president, Emma taught the women doctrine, managed membership, and publicly defended principles of moral purity. See also, Mark Ashurst-McGee, A Pathway to Prophethood: Joseph Smith Junior as Rodsman, Village Seer, and Judeo-Christian Prophet, (masters thesis, Utah State University, 2000); Dan Vogel, The Locations of Joseph Smiths Early Treasure Quests,Dialogue27 (Fall 1994): 20407. Also, my colleagues Donald L. Enders, Jennifer L. Lund, Steven L. Olsen, and Benjamin C. Pykles each patiently listened as I worked on elements of the research and responded to my thoughts or shared their own as the project developed. This suggests David rented land over the next decade from Levi Westfall who farmed with his father James two farms east of Isaac and Elizabeth Hales farm.251, Jesse and Alva Hale were both listed in the1820 census as heads of household while twenty-six-year-old David was included in his fathers household as an unnamed individual listed in his age category. When I think back to the time when My Fathers family cold [could] all meet to gether under our Fatherand hear the sound of our Father and Mothers voyses their admonitions counsils and reproffs and now see whare we are all placed five Brothers in five different stats my eyes ove[r] flow with tears, a family that was brought up to gether til we ware men grown and ^now^ so wonderfully scatered (my desire and prer to God is that if we never meet on earth we may meet in heven.)293.
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