Ketchum had sutured Carol's cervix shut, hiding a laceration through the cervix and uterus and into a uterine artery. Police find it hard to believe that a grandmother could commit such a brutal crime such as this until they look into her past. Fearing her lover's reaction on his release, she pays a hit man 10,000 to take care of Cook, but ends up firing the fatal shot herself. Rita is convicted on a federal charge of interstate domestic violence resulting in death and receives life without parole. One day after track practice, Toni and Kody kidnap Mickey and bring her to the desert, where they beat her to death. Texan Darlene Gentry is a self-centered former beauty queen who enjoys the party girl lifestyle and whose marriage to husband Keith is collapsing under the debt she has incurred. Mary Bell Bell strangled 4-year-old Martin Brown to death on May 25, 1968, just one day before her 11th birthday, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom. After Dena Schlosser and her husband John lost their business and their home, they joined a charismatic church, and Dena devoted herself to church to the exclusion of everything else including her children. Lyda Trueblood is an early 20th century woman with a penchant for poison. However, Brown was also given a death sentence in Indiana, though in 2019, it was commuted to an additional life sentence without parole. Her attempt to murder a fifth husband, Frederick "Fred" Weeks, fails, and she serves a three-and-a-half-year sentence. After being arrested for murder, a remorseful Billy pleads guilty and is released back into the community, while the ringleader Pam is sentenced to life without parole. In 1991, 23-year-old Omaima meets 56-year-old Bill Nelson. Gunn-Britt Ashfield despises her six-year-old son, John, because he reminds her of her ex-husband, Brian. There, she marries Moses Worms, and they move. She was released in 1980 at age 23. When Madame Lancelin discovers their secret, the sisters beat and stab her and her daughter to death and gouge out their eyes. The girls are from Fayette County, Georgia. Hal Ketchum, Nineties Country Singer of 'Small Town Saturday - Yahoo Sandy Ketchum - Facebook In 2010, he, too, goes missing. The police investigate the crime for years, tailing Jennifer and Matthew around the clock, until they finally crack the case and arrest them. On July 23, 2013, Marlene violently slashes Shirley to death. She is hanged on December 23, 1890. Regina gets 35 years in prison and Margaret, 46 years. Kirsten Costas reminded her classmate Bernadette Protti of everything she wanted, but could never have. On the run from the law, plastered all over the news, and unable to live with the failure of her plan and her losing the executive forever, Wanda discloses her location to authorities before taking her own life in defeat. The new living arrangement was difficult from the beginning as Harvey and her grandparents clashed over rules and a disapproval over her new girlfriend, Sandra Ketchum. Sherman got a life sentence. In 1983, Jacksonville, Florida, woman Andrea Hicks Jackson calls police to file a report about a vandalized car, but when Officer Gary Bevel arrives on the scene, he learns that Andrea has committed the vandalism herself in a fit of rage. Sandra Ketchum was the product of a home that was repeatedly busted. She received three consecutive life sentences. In 2003, the couple decide to rob and kill retired Pastor Julian Brandon and his wife Alice. Sentenced to 23 years to life, Della dies in prison on November 20, 2010. Both are serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for twenty-two and twenty years, respectively. Despite Peggy believing that her sister was innocent (and even evidence of her innocence being found), Betty was sent to spend the rest of her life in prison. Sentenced initially to death, her sentence is commuted to life without parole. She is sentenced to death, but her sentence is later commuted to life in prison, much to the chagrin of Bevel's fellow officers. In April 2008, Holger goes missing and Esti falls in love with Manfred Hinterberger, with whom she once had an affair during her marriage. At 47, she becomes a housekeeper for Arizona rancher Andrew Mathis, but they clash constantly and she is soon fired. She was released on parole in June 2022. Recently widowed chef Cai Xia Liao is smitten with recently-separated Chinese-born Australian businessman Brian Mach. While her heart may be in the right place, many of her friends believe that her ambition borders on insane. Roger, knowing divorce is not an option because he will carry all her debts, decides to separate and leave town. Jemma Lilley is an Australian woman who practices S&M and has a disturbing obsession with serial killers, particularly Son of Sam, sharing these dark interests with her submissive new friend and housemate, Trudi Lenon. Both are sentenced to death, but Danny commits suicide soon afterward and Janice's sentence is commuted to life in prison in 1989. She falls head over heels as he moves into her house, but he doesn't share the same feelings as she does, preferring to have drugs, alcohol, avoid important responsibilities and also have affairs with other women. Antoinette Renee Frank was a killer cop in New Orleans who shot a fellow officer and two owners of a Vietnamese restaurant that she helped guard at nighttime with her boyfriend, Rogers Lacaze, in 1995 (Frank was also a suspect in the death of her father). Belva Gaertner is a gifted showgirl with beauty, brains, and talent. Then-Governor George W. Bush refused to do so, thus making her execution, which occurred in February 1998, one of the most controversial in United States history. She received the nickname "The Giggling Granny" because she seemed to giggle when she confessed the murders. Box 839 Hawkinsville, Georgia 31036 Race: White Date of Birth: 4-19-1988 Height: 5'3" Religion: Christian Education: High School Earliest Release Date: 8-3-2018 Maximum Release Date: Life Can you receive email? While Doris is supposed to be caring for Lynne, she and David instead use her for her money and sponge off her every day for two years, until the money runs out and Lynne moves into an assisted-living complex, taking her monthly annuity checks with her and leaving Doris and David to fend for themselves. Matre's family has since forgiven Latoya for the crime, knowing that she was tightly under her mother's thumb and would thus never have done it otherwise, but maintained their hatred and disgust toward Denise. In March 1906, Emma poisons Albert with morphine, bludgeons him, and puts him in a trunk. Toni pleads guilty to second-degree murder and receives life in prison with the possibility of parole after eighteen years, while Kody is convicted of first-degree murder and gets life in prison without parole. It is nature that doles out its own form of justice, however, when Beulah dies a few years later. In January 1988, she shoots husband Richard in his sleep, then enlists her lover and another co-worker to help dispose of the body. Daryl Smith's former lover and BDSM sex slave, Morgan Smith, who has borderline personality disorder, is obsessed with Daryl, and follows him when he moves to Florida to be with his new girlfriend, Andrea Stranko. After getting punched in the face by an intoxicated Jasper, Allison shoots him with a .22-caliber revolver to punish him, but later regrets her action. To this day, her father's role in the crime is still contested. Mary's schemes are all for naught, as their son is ultimately sent to an orphanage and possibly a future worse than the poverty from which Mary killed to escape. She dies in 2011 before facing trial. Her plan to get away with murder backfired and she was sentenced to life in prison, but the money remains hidden. Daphne Abdela Lived near the Dakota in New York City and had an alcohol problem at 15 years old. After meeting a photographer in a bar, the women decided to rob him and lure him outside. Brandy's death sentence was commuted to life in prison without parole. She cunningly lures Gladys into a trap, then stabs her repeatedly and slashes her throat. Kit gets twenty-five to life, and Sarah thirty to life. Convicted of first-degree murder and insurance fraud, both are sentenced to life without parole. These three episodes of the show were narrated by Marsha Crenshaw. Angela McAnulty runs her household with an iron hand, but reserves her worst for her eldest daughter, Jeanette Maples, whom she brutally tortures, starves, and beats. Salcedo will spend the rest of her life in prison. On November 5, 2001, Shirley, who had recently become pregnant with Andrew's child, shoots him five times. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity and was committed to an insane asylum. Sandra Ketchum and Holly Harvey Holly befriended another troubled teen, 15 year old Sandra Ketchum. Elise Ledvina is known in Milwaukee as a caring Catholic mother who values setting a good example, but secretly battles with intense delusions due to schizophrenia. Hal Ketchum, Nineties Country Singer of 'Small Town Saturday Night In 1910s Wisconsin, talented schoolteacher Grace Lusk begins a passionate affair with veterinarian David Roberts, but after years of the affair. Caroline Young was so upset at the thought of losing her grandson to his biological father, she stabbed both her grandkids (ages six and four) and also stabbed herself (but survived) all while her grandson's mother was watching. After Regina is jailed for dealing drugs, the sisters concoct a ruse to get $1,000 cash from Regina's boyfriend, Oscar Velazquez, but when he, too, demands repayment, he is repaid with a bullet to the head. She is sentenced to fifteen years to life. Anu Singh An Australian law student who was a suicidal and delusional young woman obsessed with her body more than her fianc, Joe. After drug dealer James "Greg" Smith breaks up with his girlfriend, Cindy Baillee, Greg's mother, Lois "Mean Nadean" Smith, a hot-tempered bully who is fiercely protective of her son, responds to rumors that Cindy plans to turn Greg in by luring Cindy away to be sadistically tortured and killed, and then has Greg and his new girlfriend, Teresa Baker (who actually tried and failed to warn Cindy of Lois's plan), clean up the crime scene. Marie responds by murdering William the night before his wedding, enlisting employee Ralph Giancola to help, promising him a cut of William's life insurance payout. However, on August 9, 1849, when the agreement isn't enough for her, Maria and Frederick shoot and bludgeon Patrick for all of his stock and bonds. Charged with second-degree murder, Melanie is sentenced to fifty years. In 1925, back in Cyprus, a young Styllou was having problems with her own mother-in-law, and with the help of two accomplices, she killed her by shoving a burning torch down her throat, leading to her husband abandoning her out of fear. She isolates him from his family and drains his bank accounts, but when financial hardships leave the couple penniless, Raymond is no longer of use to her. After murdering the couple, only to find that the safe is empty, Lisa and Roger dismember the bodies and stash them in a freezer on property belonging to Roger's family, who turn the deadly couple in to police. One account of their story says the children were regularly called derogatory names from moving cars and picked on. She remained undetected for years and could have killed as many as 20 people. After a night of drinking, Ana bludgeons and stabs Stefan 25 times with the heel of her shoe, and is serving 30 years to life, and will be eligible for parole at the age of 75. Young American Molly Martens takes a job in Ireland as a live-in nanny for single father of two Jason Corbett, becoming a mother figure for the two children. Her relationship with her mother, Michelle Gordon, is contentious, which worsens after her brother dies of a drug overdose. Paula Sims A young mother murdered her two young daughters in Brighton, Illinois, but let her son live due to her personal view that the girls were unwanted. In Greenville, Mississippi, Terrie Robinson is having difficulty coping with the stresses of being a single mother on welfare. To keep receiving that attention, she quietly killed her other eight children over a span of years. She was sentenced to death in 1920, but was released from prison after 11 years and lived the rest of her life as a cisgender woman. Marie is sentenced to twenty years to life and has been denied parole six times since her incarceration. Nurse's aide Marie Poling wishes to trade in her seemingly happy family life after an affair with a young colleague and plots to kill her husband.
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