If youre looking to make your personal brand more irresistible, check out these brand words that will help get you there! In life (as distinct from branding), the three most used and most powerful words are, "I love you." Together, they are definitive. I already have my own company, so I'm not looking to impress employers, but my business partner and I are always looking to stand out amongst competing labels. Aware. Madalyn Sklar shows the value of specificity infused with individuality in a personal branding statement. You dont want to come across as inauthentic or self-serving, so use them sparingly. Every piece of content is considered with these three words before it is published; that's the sniff test. Thats not bad. But even more than that I seek to inspire and lift people and processes up. I wonder if you see that pattern, too. LinkedIn profiles have reference sections where people can say nice things about you. (These three words, like The Beatles, are most effective when united.) Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and your brands visuals. Some examples include: "I help individuals reassess their life choices to discover their true paths to success.". and true to yourself so that your personal brand is the real you. And the third category, Drive highlights words such as determined, trailblazer, intense and game-changer, and yes I know this is two words. Personal brand statements are brief statements that summarize what you do, why you do it and what differentiates you from others in your field. Eventually, personal branding statements will be as common as a resume or reference list, but for now, its a sure way to get you noticed as a competitive applicant who is capable of keeping up with current self-marketing trends and using them to advantage. with executive partners, stakeholders, and clients. Using the right personal brand words is one of the most effective ways you can resonate with your audience. This helps develop the clients personal brand because these words formulate key selling points of the client to a prospective employer in a job interview. encountered a situation where you have had to work with a difficult They think marketing their personal brand is all about putting themselves out there when the best do it with more tact. I am straightforward and reliable, and I support others with compassion. Corporate attorneys are hybrid legal advisors and business executives. I am a determined and resilient individual who is always eager to learn and evolve. Hi Shelly, interesting in that of all the major words in the three categories you describe, I see four. What I mean by this is what people uniquely think of when they think of you. No matter your occupation or personality, you should have your own personal "dress code" that follows your unique look, tied to your personal brand and goals. This may seem a little bit too simple, but when you are trying to find some quality or skill that only you and a few other people have it really helps a lot. How to describe your brand in 3 words: You see, this query is a great way to define your brand. Being collaborative is not just about being a team player. Choose 3 words that you'd use to describe yourself. theres a fine line between letting your achievements speak for themselves and boasting. People will search for you online and check out your reputation when they are evaluating whether to hire you or partner with you. Using descriptive words for your personal brand can come across as inauthentic and self-serving, so you need to use them sparingly. They dont drone on and on, instead, they get right to the point and let the details get sorted out later. For networking, job searches, and overall career development, having a personal brand statement provides a lot of benefits. Its important to not confuse your messaging with your personal branding. Consider your qualities. The goal here is to find one or two things that separate you from your competition and make you unique. And you should use it there, in your email signature, in your blog postings or comments, as your LinkedIn Professional Headline, and anywhere else where its appropriate to promote yourself. When used properly to enhance the way you want to be seen, social media is . Your brand personality is essentially how you speak to your people across your different platforms and media, and having some core traits is helpful for you to always refer back to. I work with creative women who have a . Product Brands: It involves promoting one individual product which requires good market research and accurate targeting for your market and personas. Character points to strong moral and ethical principles and for those that identified a word in this category, it means above all else this is how they want to be known. Its also about having good sportsmanship and Your personal brand is one of your most important assets for your long-term career development. This shows that youre focused on taking action instead of just talking about it. Choose a word or phrase that describes your motivation for making sales. I cannot emphasize this fact enough when looking for a job you have to be willing to be your own advocate. You can use more than just a handful of words to describe yourself, and you should. However, as with most things, its far more effective to keep it simple then to overload people with a lot of information that can take away from where you really add value. Do clients feel that strongly about your brand? Our free tool helps you promote and enhance your personal brand online. Feel free to share them in the comments, email, or Instagram DM! for your long-term career development. The word "popular" means "well-liked" or "well-known". Im dedicated to transforming companies, departments, teams, projects, products, services, and experiences by focusing on the full arc of the Customer Experience.. This will help set you apart from all the other people who offer similar services or operate in the same industry. If you get multiple words or themes determine if one word stands out more than the others. It can't be more or less than 3. Contact us and let's discuss your ideas! My experience and feedback has taught me that I bring value to the teams I work with because: I speak geek, marketer, designer, salesperson, client, data whisperer and at some point I tried to learn Shriiwook (Ive always wanted to understand Chewbacca like Han did). These personal branding statements have absolutely nailed it and are compelling, engaging, and extremely effective. A lot of powerful words for your profiles come in the form of adjectives that we use to describe ourselves. Youre a builder of communities with your weekly newsletter, really? How to use descriptive words for your personal brand, Using descriptive words for your personal brand can come across as inauthentic and self-serving, so you need to use them sparingly. 4. 300 satisfied clients so far.". Now that you have some personal brand statement examples to get you going, you need to get the most out of your final product. Creating a memorable Personal Brand is not about having a "good" voice. When you present your personal brand statement to someone else they will likely circle back around to you later if they want to work together. Im a Growth Marketing Strategist, aka The Strategy Hacker, who empowers brands to achieve next-level success, maximize revenue, elevate brand authority, establish powerful communities, and skyrocket business growth through cutting-edge marketing strategies and results-driven social media solutions.. Some rules: Each cannot exceed 3 words. 2 . 8. When thinking about my brand, I dont want people to feel ________, ________, or _______. Explain why you chose them. to creating an everlasting impression for your digital Denise Duffield-Thomas is another example of exceptional personal branding. It will make you memorable, and help your end goal tremendously. Take your values and goals and wear them on your sleeve (or your personal brand statement). Good luck with your job hunting! How did you apply your resourcefulness When you get ready to create something; a site, a product, a Facebook cover image, a tutorial, a booth, etc., be sure to give your branding words to a professional designer - that way they can design with your personal brand . Your words wont create your professional brand, but they can certainly help to support it. Frankly, it can make all the difference in short-term job searches as well. Goal-oriented 1 . While you wont have that challenge, you should be inspired by his precision. 3. To help you understand this concept, keep educating yourself on how it ties in with your professional goals. I am motivated by a desire to help and empower others. List everything that you love about the work you're doing, and make another list about all of the things you'd prefer not to be doing. function load(e){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=document.createElement("link");return n.type="text/css",n.rel="stylesheet",n.href=e,t.appendChild(n),n}load('//unpkg.com/cta.css@2.0.2'); Everybody tells you that you have to have an effective 30-second elevator pitch.. When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and strategic. I have a slide that lists two columns of positive words, such as "trustworthy, energetic and capable," and another two columns listing more negative words such as "belligerent, greedy and . Whats going to help you the most here is a solid personal brand statement and a good conversation or impression afterwords. Describe yourself with professional words that are appropriate to use in relevant settings. When people see something from my brand they think it is _________. A resume is your golden ticket to getting the call. it comes to a grey area that you have never been exposed to. You can blabber on for hours once the other person has shown sufficient interest, but until then think about precision when you craft your personal brand statement. Take a moment to think it through, and then once you've got them, write them down and tell someone, your manager, friend or loved one, what these . One thing to remember, your personal brand statement is not your job title! This person describes herself by what she loves to do: Writer, Designer, Researcher: Sr. The EveryoneSocial platform makes it easy for colleagues to share industry news and thought leadership at a company that can then be shared to external networks. Instead of telling people everything you do or everything they will experience when they work with you, you are simplifying this to just ONE word that sends a clear message of your value! These are some of the best personal brand statement examples on social media today. shun away from using your integrity for short-term financial gain? and overcome those trials and tribulations that will resonate with prospective employers Now, I teach the world how to value themselves and communicate their value to others through open platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.. Active Adventurous Ambitious Approachable Bohemian Bold Brave Bright Bubbly Calm Candid Carefree Casual Charming Cheerful Classic Collaborative Colorful Cool Cozy Crafty Cultured Daring Delicate Down to Earth Dynamic Edgy Elegant Fearless Fun You can plaster self-praise all over your portfolio website, your resume, and your LinkedIn profile, but it runs the risk of appearing tacky at bestor disingenuous and self-serving, at worst. During a recent keynote talk on leader communication, I asked the audience to write down three adjectives that others would use to describe them. Other people tend to struggle coming up with just ONE word. One of the most common ones weve seen is an overly aggressive or desperate call to action when speaking to potential clients or employers. They have to think analytically when it comes the legal framework, but also balance business strategy and organizational impact when making decisions. Its a subtle difference that most people miss. It will give you a clear vision of "where your going." For example, do you sell products based on the lowest price, or are you an exclusive dealer. Happy personal branding and finding your ONE word that communicates your value! The benefits of writing a personal brand statement are hard to deny at this point, and well explain in this article why having one is so important today. Creating a personal brand makes it more likely that your peers, professors, employers, and anyone else will associate you with positive qualities. Once you've established the initial elements of your personal brand be proactive and start asking for feedback. It communicates the value you offer. Additional words include versatile, resourceful and adaptable. Youre a builder of communities with your weekly newsletter, really? Beyond her work experience and interests though, she shares some of her hobbies and interests, which helps show off her positive personality. I never imagined how this question would resonate with people. Darrell Franklins personal branding statement makes it clear that innovation an important skill for his role is a core part of his DNA. LeadFuze aggregates the world's professional data and the companies they work for, to give you an easy way to build the most targeted, and accurate list of leads imaginable. This gives you a significant advantage over other profiles that have their value spread thin throughout their entire profile. Meaning: The word "Bold" is used to describe the character of a person who is brave, fearless, confident, courageous, and is willing to take risks. The best personal brand statement examples are intimately tied in with the focus of the person who crafted it. Elizabeth has developed a highly engaged audience on LinkedIn by offering job search advice and sharing more from her personal life. If theyre not interested, dont bother. BrandYourself Blog | ORM and Personal Branding. Your personal brand statement has to be strong, descriptive, short, and catchy all at the same time. It might be a good idea to speak with a personal branding consultant to get the balance right. It's called The Power of Three. This resource gives you 175 of the most impactful marketing words (good and bad), organized into ten categories for easy reading. Amanda Todorovich from Cleveland Clinic shared: " [We have] three words: Useful, helpful, and relevant. Loved by salespeople, recruiters, and marketers. Rather, its something you should consult, review, and revise on a continuous basis. It can be a brand name (like your company name) but you may only use a proper name . Words like curious, driven, optimistic, passionate, intelligible, open-minded, creative, determined, self-reliant, humble, and focused may come to mind. This ONE word helps to define YOU! 19 of the best personal brand examples in 2023. individual can include a focus on being creative in tackling new projects, considering If they also used similar words to describe your freelance personal brand, then you're already on the right track. These statements are typically between one and two sentences and should be attention-grabbing, compelling and memorable. Wendi Weiner is anattorneyand award-winning writer who has been featured in over 75 major media outlets(including CNN, HuffPost, Money, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider) as a top authority in personal branding, social storytelling, career strategy, and the job search process. A leadership brand conveys your identity and distinctiveness as a leader. Protected. Elizabeth Morgans personal branding statement speaks to her passion for HR and the time that she put into developing relationships on LinkedIn. , but they can definitely support it. And I failed At first. What is your ONE word? Once again its an example of what not to say about yourself. :). They are the words that you want people to associate with you and your brand. Examples of brands: Coca Cola, Nike, Gong. You might even want to speak with a personal branding consultant to strike the right balance. While it may seem limiting to describe yourself in 5 words, Stephen Hawking really has to work to communicate, yet hes one of the most influential scientists in history. How you think and can mold that thinking with the framework is a value-add skill that can apply in various situations. Thats where verbs come in: they do a better job of demonstrating your brand rather than just advertising it. Cultivated well, your personal brand will signal to employers whether or not you'll be the right fit for an open role. And once you have a standout personal brand statement, youll also want to deliver authentic and engaging content to your audiences on social media. Bethany, great article! When Im not advocating for exceptional candidate experience or teaching my coworkers the ins and outs of LinkedIn, Im on Linkedin sharing professional insight, in my home office making lightweight clay earrings, or watering my plants. Irene Koehler uses powerful words like transform and unforgettable to get her point across quickly and succinctly. Time and time again we see people spend hours crafting and refining their personal brand statement, only for them to just put it on their website. Debbie Levitt uses a reference point that a lot of people would immediately understand Disneys Mary Poppins to tell the story of what she does and how she does it. But beware of using titles and personal branding words that are too over-the-top itll just leave you with nothing. Give your company a competitive edge and your team a professional boost. And if your feedback comes back different from your words, you need to fix or adjust. One of the most important (and sometimes the most difficult) section is to describe the feeling you want your brand to have. Thats where verbs come in: they help demonstrate your brand rather than just advertising it. You can use self-praise on your portfolio website, resume, and LinkedIn profile, but it might look tacky or insincere. Why? Its straightforward and shows the kind of approach and value she would provide her clients. business. https://docstation.co/features/medication-therapy-management, Introduction To Personal SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Improve Your Google Results: Getting Started, Advanced Tactics to Improve Your Google Results, How to Fight an Unwanted Image Result On Google, How To Bury Or Push Down Negative Google Search Results, I help people create new opportunities in their businesses and careers., I am a personal trainer, specializing in weight training and mobility., I give authors visibility on untapped promotional platforms where they can share their work., I spark new product ideas for large companies that have stagnant product cycles., I help CEOs transform their brand in only 60 days. Use personal brand adjectives sparingly and in conjunction with verbs to craft your professional image without coming across as arrogant or desperate. Can you be counted on to do the right thing? Use the personal branding statement examples below for inspiration when coming up with your own. Im The Mary Poppins of CX/UX. The answer to this question helps us cut through the clutter. your personal brand. This is something that we need to make more clear moving forwards, thank you! 10 Bold Personal Brand Statement Examples. Those are the personality traits your brand needs to fully represent from here on out in all of its visual and verbal communications. Activity 1.1 Write four words to describe your ideal self-concept (personal brand). 1) Your brand is how others perceive you. What three words describe your personal brand? You can visit https://www.danbutler.co.uk/ if you need to get a signage. Thanks to people like you and J for being willing to share your incredible insights. Troy Sandidge takes personal branding to another level by actually trademarking his own brand alias The Strategy Hacker! I strive to improve myself and those around me, and I am always looking for ways to grow. The big picture of the business, the intricate details of the solution at hand, and key stepping stones of the process are collective aspects of the work you do. Better yet -elevate- I don't just move things from point a to point b. I lift them up. This button displays the currently selected search type. Personal branding is a marketing strategy focused on your most important product: you. It's more advanced to focus on the first three aspects of your personal brand: skills, personality, and motivation. Start Online. Too often we see people try to present their personal brand statement in a way thats robotic or overly professional. People skim online, even when looking at LinkedIn profiles. 1. Does Your Brand Need Them. Consider if you have Your email address will not be published. LinkedIn is one of the places that make the most sense to put your personal branding statement, more so than any other network. Motivated 3. Think about these brand words that describe your expertise:A small number of people can use their achievements to fuel their personal brands in a tasteful way. Synonyms that are currently popular A person who is stylish or follows current fashion trends is described as chic. After that, show them your words, compare, and see if they agree. Looking at Target as an example most of us are familiar with, it . When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and . is a [3 qualities/traits people use to describe you] {identity/profession] who is dedicated to helping . Imagine being faced with a difficult situation On the web, you have much more control over perceptions because people will judge you solely based on what's . Meticulous and adaptable go hand-in-hand and are two great words to describe yourself. Narrow it down to three words that align with your personal brand and the organization Look at your adjective list and organization research. As a product manager I have to wear different hats every day and I excel at working cross-functionally. Even though its time-consuming, your personal branding statement should be revised at least once a year to reflect changes and advancements in your professional career. Instead, this means this is not the singular focus of how you want to be known. It sounds like youre trying to appeal to people who want to be seen as clever or unique, and the word builder definitely has a positive connotation. The best brands have a clearly defined personality that is specific in their . Showcasing your work experience and education puts you in a position to be hired for a job or move on to the next round of the interview process. 1. Your personal brand is one of your most important career development assets. Try telling it to a friend or significant other one time and see if he or she can easily recall the entire sentence. Then, ask a close friend or co-worker what 3 words they'd use. I recently started with a new coaching client who stated he wanted to gain real-life best practices and achieve tangible results through our coaching. Your Look and Style. Odds are, you probably are one yourself. This is how I measure success! If you want to win on LinkedIn, take that personal branding statement and show it off. Consider if you have the ability to roll with the punches as well as step up to the plate when the company or leadership teams are faced with tough challenges (i.e. By pointing out the different languages that he uses at work, he shows that he is a team player and someone that enjoys collaborating with other teams and departments. Being resourceful requires applying good critical I do always seek to create, sustain and be in harmony. Now, I want you to find 3 words that describe your business. It can be hard to know where to start with your personal brand. I build communities and evangelize for the things I believe in. To learn more about DocStation, visit https://docstation.co/features/medication-therapy-management. And no matter what type of resume you're writing, a short resume profile at the top can be a great way to make an elevator pitch that you're the right candidate for the job. It is tempting to exaggerate your abilities, but this is not the place to do that. Thank you Mrs. A solid personal brand statement example would be: "I help your brand gain visibility online.". 1- Bold. The most powerful words in your profile are your descriptors. The statement of your brand should be something that others can remember easily since you need to be able to use it whenever a networking opportunity arises (baseball game, elevator, social function, etc). They see you as organized. It sums up your experience, your skills, and your passion so that people can easily understand who you are and what you offer. Its what ensures your results are that much, You know plenty of brand evangelists. Excellent post !! Be sure to take note of those too and choose words are a great fit for your brand and your business. Here's an inventory of adjectives to help you describe how you look at your best. Words can't create a personal brand for you, but they can definitely support it. We have over 60,000 monthly readers that would love to see it! A lot of companies value having employees that will act as brand advocates and will choose applicants with stronger networks and online presence because of that. When choosing personal branding words, it is important to consider what you want people to think of when they hear your name. Keep in mind that the brand statement is only supposed to get people interested, and not say everything about your professional career. If so, youre off to a good start. In case you want some personal brand statement examples to help guide you, there is a handful below. Simple because I love easy, light and airy outfits; timeless because I can wear the same style 10-20yrs from now and relatable because anyone at any age can be comfortable wearing my style. Whether the company is going through tumultuous financial times or big changes in leadership, the ability to adapt to a sudden change and remain adaptable to that change is an important skill to have. Without them, you're just pressing on the gas without looking. From there you can start thinking about your portfolio site, how to revamp your resume, and the points you want to communicate in interviews. To do this, ensure you seek feedback from family, friends, colleagues, mentors, customers and anyone who will give you honest feedback. Sharing this info is very impactful!! There is no right or wrong answer in selecting the 5 words Keep reading to see 10 creative personal brand statement examples to inspire you and learn tips to craft your own. That establishes trust and shows to potential clients that he understands their pain points and how to solve for them. But if not, determine what resonates with you the most or ask your feedback providers to rank the list in order of priority of what comes to mind when they think of you. She expresses her excitement for the brands that she has worked for and establishes herself as an employee advocate. That's your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. Thanks! Its more advanced to focus on the first three aspects of your personal brand: skills, personality, and motivation. Life throws many wrenches at us, but its often our ability I specialize in making the branding process personal. However, it comes across as if youre trying to boast or appear more important than you are, which could turn people off. Now its time to craft your own. to see how other people pull this off successfully! Your personal brand statement should be short enough to fit on one line on your business card. co-worker or a difficult client and how you have handled it professionally. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want the world to see you. Dial-in your brief personal brand statement that you want to present so you can recite it on autopilot. Use these on all of your online profiles, including your LinkedIn, resume, and portfolio. dishonest. If youre interested in a great way to endear your brand to your prospective and current customers, get in touch with these screen printers. as part of the process is the following question: Give me 5 words to Youll notice there is a diverse set of words in this category but they all point to what people can count on when they work with this individual, their expertise. A personal brand statement is a 1-2 sentence that sums up your brand. In other words, it's your unique selling proposition. Press Esc to cancel. Once again its an example of what not to say about yourself. Since the purpose of a personal brand statement is to briefly list your primary skills, it is necessary to target the industry where those skills are most useful. Next up is the builder of things and communities, pictured anonymously below. 3 words to describe your personal brandhow to pronounce conversation May 21, 2021 / in marilyn monroe real name / by When asking this interview question, interviewers wantand expecta short list of adjectives that describe you and demonstrate how you are the right candidate for the job.As already stated, have a list of 10 words at the ready.
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