This greatly upsets the farmer's wife, who was led to believe that the child was the orphaned daughter of her husband's friend whom she never met. Ethel tells Mrs Hughes that her neighbours think she is a war widow but admits that Major Bryant refuses to acknowledge that he is Charlie's father, despite Ethel and Mrs Hughes's best efforts to get him to admit paternity. Jack breaks off the relationship to protect Rose. He is one of the few people who is prepared to speak frankly to her, and is prepared to leave Downton Abbey to join her at Haxby when she is engaged to Sir Richard Carlisle. He cares not for what others will think of him for changing his citizenship (particularly when Britain only beat Germany in the Great War a few years previously), only of Edith's love. While in England he makes the acquaintance of the Hon. During the 2014 Christmas special, Anna awaits trial in prison as Mary and Bates visit her. British-based Swedish actress MyAnna Buring, 28, pictured, plays the new maid in the Christmas special of Downton Abbey. Anna was the member of staff who helped Lady Mary and her mother Cora carry the corpse of Kemal Pamuk out of Lady Mary's bedroom and was the only one who openly welcomed valet John Bates to the household, despite everyone else's initial prejudice against him on account of his limp. She only gets truly emotional when her plans are foiled. Season 4. His love of automobiles was a common interest that he shared with Edith and as well as bringing them close together inspired Edith to learn to drive. She reveals that she had stolen jewellery from a previous employer who treated her nicely, and she went to prison but was released early for good behaviour. However, when Tom Branson speaks to her about his own experiences in learning to live with the Crawley family despite their differences, she is inspired to make her marriage work. When Barrow attempts suicide, it is Baxter who raises the alarm (based on Barrow's earlier behaviour that morning) and finds him in the bathroom in time to save his life. She also begins to see Albert Mason, Daisy's father in law, and between the two of them, help Daisy to realise that no matter what happens with them, they will always be there for Daisy, and that they love her very much. The conniving Miss O'Brien left Downton Abbey very suddenly (who will keep Thomas in check now?! She gives it to Lady Mary, who destroys it after Bates uses his skills as forger and pickpocket in suppressing a royal scandal. When Thomas decides to buy extra food and supplies on the black market to sell to Downton's kitchen staff, she refuses to get involved in his business, but she sympathises with Thomas after he realises he has been swindled. During the Revolution many years later, Prince Kuragin and his wife, Princess Irina Kuragina, were arrested by the Bolsheviks and separated. When Mrs Bird refuses to work with a former prostitute, she chooses to leave. At the end of the series five Christmas special, Carson has purchased a house and added both his and Mrs Hughes's names to the registry, with the intention of asking Mrs Hughes to marry him; she accepts. During Bates's murder trial, Thomas applies for Bates's old job, but is rejected by Lord Grantham. O'Brien, Cora's lady's maid, schemes to get Cora to talk to Lord Grantham about Bates's unsuitability. Lavinia dies at Downton of Spanish influenza after Matthew regains use of his legs and shortly before their wedding. She is best friends with Mrs Patmore. As the Minister for Health, the future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (Rupert Frazer) is persuaded to dine at Downton Abbey by Violet in May 1925 (his wife Anne is her goddaughter). The police are convinced that Bates murdered her and he is convicted and sentenced to death, before the sentence is commuted to life in prison. Kemal Pamuk (played by Theo James) (d. 1913) was an attach at the Turkish Embassy in London and the son of one of the Ottoman Sultan's ministers. However, in the third series, Tom and now-pregnant Sybil are forced to flee Ireland after Tom becomes implicated in the burning of an Anglo-Irish nobleman's house. When she turned 16, she moved to the United Kingdom and graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in 2004. By 1923 he has taken a keen interest in Isobel, whom he meets again at a ball at Grantham House. If listing any specific dates, please use a reference and make note of the episode or other canon source that the information comes from, including a short quote if possible. Although in some ways his character embodies the traditional values of the aristocracy, Robert does not shun all progress, and he is very protective of and loyal to his family and servants. He returns to Downton, having apparently settled affairs with his wife, but Miss O'Brien contacts Vera and once again, she returns to cause more trouble. They kiss and enjoy their reunion. Downton Abbey (TV Series 2010-2015) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Before she came to Downton in 1895 as head housemaid, she was courted by a farmer, Joe Burns. Carson's main complaint is that a valet should perform extra duties outside of just seeing to Lord Grantham, including carrying trays and acting as a third footman if necessary. She has developed a close relationship with Mr Carson; at the time the series begins, the two had overseen Downton's staff for almost 20 years. Her industrious nature, first discovered during the First World War when she opens and maintains Downton as a convalescent home for soldiers, and later put to use on the Downton hospital board, often causes conflict with Robert, especially after she becomes president of the hospital board in the final series. When Rose responds that the prince was very popular, the king dryly remarks that "the prince is never short of popularity." In 1920, he expresses his wish to name Daisy his sole heir, and asks her to come live at the farm so he may teach her how to run it. Her sister Mary is the last in the family to discover, in late 1925, that Marigold is Edith's daughter, and that she is Marigold's aunt. He tries to convince her that despite wanting children, she alone is enough for him, which she has trouble accepting. [2] Early on, she is portrayed as a petulant and cold young woman; as the series progresses, however, she shows more vulnerability and compassion. She would cause trouble with the house, and she again schemed to try to connive Tom into her life again, this time, trying to trap him into marriage. A distraught Bates along with Lady Mary is adamant that Anna will not be convicted or even go to trial. Determined to prove him innocent, Anna and Robert try to appeal the decision and are successful in reducing Bates's sentence from execution to life imprisonment. O'Brien is one of several servants asked to testify at Bates's trial and is genuinely relieved when they learn that Bates had been reprieved. Edna Braithwaite | Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom George V's wife, Queen Mary (Valerie Dane), appears with her husband at the debutante ball. A recurring theme during the first two series is the clash between Isobel's more modern and liberal values with the traditionalist ideas of Lord Grantham and his family. Things move at such a pace in Downton Abbey, storylines can sometimes be over before you've even noticed that they've properly begun. With the possibility of Alfred leaving to pursue his dreams of being a chef, Mr Carson offers Molesley a job as second footman if Alfred leaves. Unlike many Russian aristocrats after the Revolution, Prince Kuragin does not appear to be an anti-Semite; when he meets Atticus Aldridge and realises his family fled Odessa due to the Tsar's anti-Jewish pogroms, he tells Atticus that he is "not proud of why they chose to go.". Heartbroken and angered by her hesitancy, Matthew withdraws his proposal and decides to leave Downton. Mrs Bryant, who had been unhappy abandoning Ethel from the start, agrees and Ethel leaves Mrs Crawley's employment. "Downton Abbey" Episode #4.2 (TV Episode 2013) - IMDb In the first film, set in 1927, Marigold is four or five years old and has returned to Downton with her mother and stepfather for the royal visit. Still a man of high standards, his reactions to Hughes' cooking lead to a comic incident where he is forced to cook dinner and fails, teaching him to respect her efforts. Nevertheless, Tony remains lukewarm about Mabel and seems keen on Mary. They then take this to Robert who ensures that the witness makes a statement, then tries to contact Bates. The rest of Anna's pregnancy goes seemingly without a hitch. He is arrested in front of the entire Downton staff after Lavinia's funeral and is put on trial, during which some other staff members at Downton and Robert are called to testify. Matthew is paralysed from the waist down while serving in the First World War, but, after a miraculous recovery and difficulty moving past Lavinia's death from Spanish flu, he and Mary wed in 1920. His aunt is Sarah O'Brien, who brings him forward as a candidate for the empty post based on his previous experience as a waiter at a hotel. Gordon decides to leave, rather than commit to his claim, after learning the earl's agents will be investigating Peter Gordon's history after his emigration to Canada. Molesley gains access to the Bateses cottage and finds a picture of Bates; he and Baxter use it as they travel around York's pubs to find out which pub Bates had been to the day Green died. Anna then assists Lady Mary with procuring contraception for a sexual relationship with Lord Gillingham, but Bates finds the evidence and mistakenly believes Anna has been using it so she does not become pregnant with a murderer's child. She plays the victim, and accuses him of using her, then casting her aside, and not being a man of honor. When Barrow is set to be laid off, he attempts to find suitable employment and fails. But Mrs Hughes say that, "there are rules to this way of life and, if you don't intend to abide by them, it is not the life for you." Rose wants to marry Jack, though Mary sees that Rose's primary motivation is to upset her mother. The Dowager Countess's Lady's Maid Gladys Denker takes advantage of him to go out drinking, but Thomas Barrow comes to his rescue, teaching Denker a lesson in the process. Whilst Anna is pregnant, Bates continues to attempt selling his mother's house in London as well as purchasing a house in the north. Tom develops feelings for Lady Sybil, with whom he shares political interests and a determined personality. Lavinia Catherine Swire (played by Zoe Boyle) (18951919) is the sweetheart and fiance of Matthew Crawley. He continues to notice the change in her mood after Anna tells Mary that she believes she is pregnant again. William had three brothers and a sister but all died at or shortly after birth, leaving him as the only child. He has been widowed since the death of his wife Maud. Shelagh Turner | Call the Midwife (Zavolejte porodn sestiky) | In the Christmas special he is invited by Lord Grantham to the traditional Christmas shoot but repeatedly turns it down. Michael encouraged Edith to never be afraid to speak her mind and to write about whatever she wanted, even if it was not expected of a woman. During the Battle of Amiens, he threw himself in front of Matthew to shield him from a shell explosion and both men were seriously wounded. He is caught by Alfred, who walks in on this scene and eventually tells Mr Carson at O'Brien's insistence. May Bird (played by Christine Lohr) was the cook for Isobel and Matthew Crawley at Crawley House. By 1923, he still has not been found, but pieces of what happened to him are coming to light. He tells Robert in another letter how to contact him. She is also the wife of John Bates. She is one of Anna's closest allies, being the first person who helps her in the aftermath of Mr Green's attack. After being caught stealing a bottle of wine, Thomas takes advantage of her feelings for him to persuade her to tell Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes that she saw Mr Bates take the wine. His last name remains unknown. They agree to be friends forever. Downton Abbey (TV Series 2010-2015) - IMDb Barrow is badly beaten instead. Leech's audition for the role convinced Julian Fellowes to expand his role and to transform Branson into an Irishman. Shortly beforehand, Thomas signs up to the Royal Army Medical Corps in an effort to avoid being sent to the frontline for the war that is soon coming. Vera Bates (played by Maria Doyle Kennedy) (d. 1918) was the estranged wife of John Bates. That leads Baxter to guess that Anna is pregnant. She later retracts the statement as she feels guilty and over time, her feelings for Thomas diminish and she notices that Downton's other footman, William, likes her. He is a recent war veteran and suffers from severe Combat Stress Reaction (CSR, or shell shock) that causes him to be very nervous and somewhat disconnected to his surroundings. She and her late husband, Marmaduke Painswick, had no children. Violet convinces the local parish vicar to officiate the bedside wedding ceremony and attends along with Lady Edith and the entire staff present. "[17] Finneran believed that O'Brien "was great to play. When she asks how it is possible that he has returned, he silences her, insisting that they speak later about it but for the moment, enjoy their Christmas. Rose secretly invites Ross and his band members to perform at Downton for Robert's birthday, by which time she has entered into a secret relationship with Jack. He first appears onscreen after Lord Grantham has given Carson permission to hire another footman in addition to Alfred Nugent. Lady Mary Josephine Talbot (ne Crawley) (played by Michelle Dockery) (b. Anna later tells Mary of her troubles. He returns to Downton in 1922, clearly still interested in the recently widowed Mary. Menu. He runs after the car and orders Bates to get out, telling him to get back inside and that nothing more would be said about him leaving. Elsie worked as a maid at Duneagle Castle for an unknown period of time. After a financial scare, Matthew becomes a co-owner of the estate, and begins working on plans to modernise it with the new agent, brother-in-law Tom Branson. c. 1530s - The Dissolution of the Monasteries, under Henry VIII . In Downton Abbey: A New Era, newlyweds Daisy and Andy are sharing the farm with Mr Mason. Downton Abbey, Season 6: The Best of Branson - PBS The younger Crawleys often use Rosamund's home at 35 Belgrave Square as a place to stay when visiting London, on which occasions Rosamund takes the opportunity to catch up on family gossip. A wealthy American heiress, she married Robert in 1890 when the Crawleys were in straitened circumstances; her fortune helped rescue Downton. Barrow then attempts to gain an ally in the form of Lady Grantham's new maid Edna, a maid fired from Downton following her attempt to seduce Tom Branson, by claiming that Edna's accidental damage to one of Lady Grantham's favourite garments was in fact due to Anna Bates. Daisy was worried about being William's sweetheart but Mrs Patmore urged her not to send him to the front with a broken heart, saying that if she refused, he would never return. Anna Bates | Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom 'Downton Abbey' Insufferability Index: That Bitch Braithwaite Most of the insufferability on last night's episode of Downton was trumped by the over-the-top villainy of Edna Braithwaite. William Mason (played by Thomas Howes) (d. 1918) was the second footman at Downton. She begins to feel he is a sensible match for her. Because Alfred quickly becomes enamored with the new kitchen maid, Ivy Stuart, Jimmy also takes an interest. After failing to persuade Dr Clarkson to "bend the rules", a furious Violet manages to pull some strings to have William sent back to Downton, where he was cared for by Lady Edith. Freda Dudley Ward (Janet Montgomery) asks Rose for help after a compromising letter from the Prince of Wales is stolen from her handbag by Sampson. Her efforts to prove her husband's innocence become a success when a neighbour of Vera's inadvertently tells Anna details of their last meeting which prove that Vera committed suicide in order to have her husband convicted and hanged for the crime. Edith decides she wants the child back and plans to reclaim her, then places her in the care of a local pig farmer and his wife. Then she learns he got into a fight with some men in Munich after taking exception to what they were saying. In "The Finale", feeling guilty about ruining Edith's happiness, Mary arranges for Bertie and Edith to reunite at a restaurant. At the end, he is seen playing football on the beach, while Thomas watches from a nearby chair. He crosses the final line when he takes Ivy out and gets a bit too familiar with her. She makes him feel guilty about having moved up in the world, going so far as to get him to eat downstairs again and suggest that he drive them to the Thirsk Fair, after urging him to come with them. Edna leaves soon after being fired. Albert Travis (played by Michael Cochrane) is the Rector of St Mary's Downton whose living is under the patronage of the Earl of Grantham. She describes Edna as dreaming of a life above her station and being waited on rather than waiting on others. She resists claiming her widow's pension as she thinks it wrong to claim money for marrying a man that she liked but would have not married under normal circumstances. He volunteers to help Mr Mason take care of Downton's pigs and shows an interest in farming. Thomas then calls her a "manipulative little witch" and expresses delight that her schemes have come to nothing. The scheming Edna would return as Cora Crawley's second lady's maid. First the American-born chatelaine of Downton Abbey (played by Elizabeth McGovern) takes on Miss O'Brien as her lady's maid, only to have O'Brien plant a bar of soap on the bathroom floor,. Bates sneaks up behind Anna, surprising her, then pulls her aside. She also refused to hand the police the ticket regarding Mr Bates's trip to London on the day Mr Green died, telling Lady Mary she could never condemn a man for defending his wife's honour against such a crime. Tony later calls off his engagement to Mabel, because of his interest in Mary. With its views of life from the upstairs and downstairs, it shows the perspectives of the happenings of early 20th century England's commonwealth. "[12] Emily Orley, also of Buzzfeed, argued that the storyline of the rape of Anna had too much focus on the male characters.[13]. Robert says they will do their best for Marigold for both Michael's and Edith's sake, while still keeping the truth confined to the family. In the course of a sexual encounter with Mary, Pamuk dies in her bed of a heart attack. RELATED: Downton Abbey: 10 Actors You Forgot Were On The Show. Sir Herbert leaves Downton the next morning with no knowledge of the incident. Upon Robert's death, he will become the 8th Earl of Grantham, though Mary will speak for his interests until he comes of age. 1865), usually called Lord Grantham, is the 7th and current Earl of Grantham. The wife tells Cora that Marigold is Edith's illegitimate child, which shocks her. During the Great War, after William is brought back to Downton mortally wounded, the Dowager Countess summons him to wed William and Daisy before William dies. Barrow accepts that Jimmy can never give him what he wants, so they instead agree to be friends. When Violet tricks Rosamund into telling the truth that Rose is meeting a married lover she has Rose sent to Duneagle early, accompanied by her paternal aunt Agatha, whom she despises, as punishment. [8] Leech at first tried to develop a Yorkshire accent in an effort to prevent his character from becoming an Irish stereotype, but when he was persuaded that Tom would not become such, he used his native Irish accent.[9]. Timeline | Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom Over the next few weeks she continues to help while Drake has taken a liking to her. Une soire extravagante Downton Abbey donne aux Crawleys une chance de renouer avec d . John Bates (played by Brendan Coyle), who is mainly known as Mr Bates or just Bates, is Lord Grantham's valet. Though unmarried, she is referred to as Mrs Hughes according to traditional titles for servants during the time period. She firmly believed that she could guilt Tom into responding to her as she represented the same working class that he himself had been part of earlier. Bates one day sets off to York alone, and returns the same day, and the family soon learn that Mr Green died in London that day, after falling under a bus. Eventually, after Barrow threatens to reveal her secret to Lady Grantham, Baxter is encouraged by Molesley to do so first. When she makes others (notably Tom Branson) feel or look bad, she senses no remorse for them or what she has done to them. Throughout much of the series Bates is at odds with Thomas, who tries to get rid of him so that he can take his place as valet. At the end of series three, Jimmy is promoted to first footman, but he holds a grudge against Thomas into the Christmas Special. [4] Following his death, his son George becomes the heir to the earldom, and a letter is found that serves as a will for Mary to inherit Matthew's share of Downton. Edith's mother Cora suggests that Edith bring Marigold back to Downton on the pretense that Edith is adopting her because the Drewes can no longer afford to raise her. In the second series Christmas episode, it is apparent that Carlisle's pragmatism does not sit well with the Crawleys and he and Mary begin to argue more frequently, much to the consternation of Matthew and her grandmother. He joins his fellow former nobles on an outing to Downton in the spring of 1924. She is convinced that he may take her back and they can get married, but he gently tells her that he is too old for her and that he doesn't want her to waste away her life caring for him. Alfred also notes that Thomas always defends Jimmy no matter how unkindly Jimmy behaves, and suggests that perhaps he take it easy. During a dinner in his honour, Branson, the Irish nationalist and socialist chauffeur, attempts to avenge himself on the Army by pouring a soup tureen of slop over the general, but he is stopped in time by Carson the butler (who after reading Branson's apology note to Lady Sybil, found by Anna, thought Branson meant to assassinate the general). In series Four, Alfred pursues that interest and leaves Downton to become a chef at the Ritz. Matters become worse when Anna assists Lady Mary in procuring contraception for a sexual relationship with Lord Gillingham, and Bates finds the evidence and mistakenly believes his wife is using it so she does not become pregnant with a murderer's child. His peripheral involvement in the Teapot Dome scandal leads Martha to request that Lord Grantham appear before Congress to vouch for Harold's character late in series four he escapes with only a reprimand. She struck him; however, she did not kill him, merely wounded him. Nevertheless, he maintains a fascination with medicine. He eventually takes a position in a smaller household, but when Carson develops an illness, Barrow is invited back to Downton to become the new butler. Downton Abbey season four, episode three: let's talk about sex Also in series four, Alfred is still caught up in the downstairs "love square". After a fight with Thomas Barrow, in which she called him out as she saw him as being sly and oily and that nobody in their right minds trusted him; and he retaliated against her, by calling her a scheming witch whose schemes came to nothing, she stormed out of the abbey once and for all, after giving her notice, giving the reason of being family troubles. In 1913, three years after Ivy dies and his son joins the army, Joe comes to Downton and asks Elsie to marry him, but once again she refuses him, even though she has previously expressed doubts about choosing a life of service over having a husband and family. She later takes his arm at the Thirsk Fair. It's not such a free place any more. During the summer of 1914, Cora discovers she has become pregnant for the first time in 18 years, but she suffers a miscarriage caused by her maid O'Brien. In the fourth series, Mary is pursued by three suitors: Anthony Foyle (Lord Gillingham), Evelyn Napier, and Charles Blake. She calls it off with him but he becomes angry and refuses to break it off with her. This section is for listing events that take place prior to the beginning of the series. Edna was somewhat of a sympathetic character, coming from nothing and doing whatever she could to scrounge up a better life for herself. In the second series, William wanted to enlist in the Army but was forbidden by his father, as he was the only other surviving member of the family. After the First World War, Tom and Sybil receive Robert's reluctant blessing and marry in Dublin. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search for "Downton Abbey maid". Bates then disappears and is now on the run. It is not known whether he went ahead and published the story. The Archbishop of York and future Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Cosmo Gordon Lang (Michael Culkin) marries Lady Mary Crawley and Matthew Crawley in the spring of 1920. On returning home, relieved to find that Isis is safe, he learns from Grantham that some children had found and returned the dog, seemingly ruining Thomas' plan. His paternal grandmother, Isobel, assures a dying Lady Violet on her deathbed that she will ensure that George will remember his great-grandmother well. At the end of series five, Tom decides to leave Downton for Boston, Massachusetts with his daughter, but he eventually changes his mind and returns permanently to Downton. Bertie asks Edith to marry him the night of Charlie Rogers' death. The Duke of Crowborough (played by Charlie Cox) was one of many potential suitors for Lady Mary, but he was seeking a wealthy wife to cure his financial problems. He finds it difficult to reconcile the traditionalist, aristocratic lifestyle of Downton with his middle-class upbringing, but he is eventually accepted into the family and becomes something of a surrogate son to Lord Grantham. Brown Findlay portrays Lady Sybil Crawley. In the last episode of series one, O'Brien comes to believe that Cora is going to replace her. While he is recuperating, Jimmy comes to speak with him. He also later mentions Jimmy to Phyllis Baxter in a bout of sadness and annoyance that he's gone. She also seems to have protective feelings towards Daisy when she suspects that some of the other staff such as Thomas or Miss O'Brien are trying to make a fool or take advantage of her. Charles Blake stages a scene where Mabel and Tony come across Charles and Mary supposedly in a passionate kiss, and finally, Tony gives up on Mary and decides to marry Mabel. A fanpage for the lovely Myanna Buring and her role as Edna Braithwaite on Downton Abbey. Bertie tells Edith that he misses her terribly and still wants to marry her. She declines. Branson's return to Downton Abbey for Matthew and Mary's wedding is off to a poor start: he doesn't own a set of tails or even a dinner jacket, and he talks politics at dinner, enraging Robert. In the first film, she reveals she is pregnant with Bertie's child. In episode 6 Anna begins to experience uncomfortable pains again and Bates insists he pay for her to see Ryder again. In the first film, he is six years old and plays with his younger half-sister Caroline, and first cousins Sybbie and Marigold. He is a major figure in the community in his own right, as evidenced in series five when he is asked to chair a committee building a memorial to townsmen who died during the First World War. She replaced another maid named Ethel Parks, who had been sacked after being caught with a soldier while Downton Abbey was a convalescent home for war wounded soldiers. During the First World War with the men away fighting, Mr Drake needs help on his farm. [14], Thomas was originally meant to be written out of the show at the end of the first series once he had had his "comeuppance". After hearing this news, both Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes immediately agree that she has to go. Violet attempts to find the whereabouts of Princess Irina through Lord Flintshire, who is her nephew-in-law, and eventually receives a letter from Lord Flintshire saying the Princess may have fled to Wan Chai, Hong Kong, where she might be working as a nurse. Anna's attempts to locate the ticket prove fruitless, due to Lady Mary's prior actions. He arrives at Downton in the first episode to replace Lord Grantham's previous valet.
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