prayer points on spiritual gates

Establish the gates of praise in my life (Isaiah 60:18). There are angels waiting to listen to what you say this moment and go to work on your behalf. 1. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Matthew 6:33. 3 I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel. Prayer Points: 1. ( Habakkuk 3:2, NIV) 3. It is the language the earth hears readily. Let all the citadels of evil summoning of the spirit receive the fire of God and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus. This book is a 365 days powerful daily inspiration and prayers to keep you in Gods word, in prayers, and in victory all through the year. 3. Thank You for giving your angels charge over us, in the name of Jesus (Psalm 91:11; 121:3). All evil umbrellas preventing heavenly showers from falling upon me be roasted in the name of Jesus. Powerful Prayer Points To Possess The Gates In the spirit realm, whoever possesses the gate controls the territory. When you open your mouth to speak you are establishing the covenant of the Lord. I release myself form the powers and activities of the wasters in the name of Jesus. You spiritual gates to place of breakthroughs, receive the blood of Jesus. 41. In the name of Jesus, I COVENANT FROM NOW, WHENEVER I AM IN NEED, I will never lack support! Less Panic, More Hope: Gods Promises and Prayers to Overcome Fear, Anxiety, and Depression Scriptures and Prayers for Mental Health. Thanks and God bless you. When troubles arise, God will keep us safe, and He will oppose and stop the enemy and his agents, At this gate of 2021, I decree and declare that. I declare that God cares for me and every member of my family (mention their names). Let every spirit attacking me in the form of animals receive the fire of God. 2. Thank you Lord for destroying the evil gates. Father, thank you for silencing all my accusers and putting them to flight, in the name of Jesus. Idolatrous acts were performed at the gates (Acts 14:13). I disarm any power that has made a covenant with the ground, water and wind about me in the name of Jesus. Psalm 107:16. is a participant in theAmazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites toearn fees by linking to Amazon.comand affiliated sites. 28:5-6; 29:6). Let the gates of my life and city be open to the King of glory (Psalm 24:7). Oh Lord, let the wicked man or woman of my life go to the grave suddenly in Jesus name. 7. If you are looking for a balanced biblical understanding of what witchcraft means and how to pray and obtain deliverance and breakthrough, this manual is your key. When you worship doors open. I shall not labour in vain. I command every evil stronghold and powers housing my rights and goodness to be violently overthrown in the name of Jesus. Listening in the place of prayer is the most powerful way to receive answers to your prayers. Amen for the prayers.We are happy that you find the prayer points helpful!God answers prayers. Required fields are marked *. With this manual, you will arise and prophesy to the year, surrender your plans to God, hear the voice of God, be empowered to follow Gods purpose for your life, and achieve what truly matters. Binding the Spirit of Fear, Worry and Depression, 5. Let all the powers of my adversaries be rendered impotent in the name of Jesus. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-leader-3','ezslot_7',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',127,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-127{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}And hope does not put us to shame, because Gods love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5, NIV). Thank You, Father, for watching over my family and over me throughout the night. 9. 15. Do you need a breakthrough asap? Just wake up every night and praise God for thirty-one minutes, and do it nonstop for the next thirty-one days. I SHALL NOT DIE. We possess the stomach gate and evict every demon that controls and resides in this area, our bowels, our innermost being our and our heart. Personal prayer topics and prayer points are super crucial for every Christian. Lord, I know that your Spirit is your power, so now; I pray that you fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit in power, in Holiness and praise, in Jesus name. This Is The Victory That Has Overcome The World, Even Our Faith. This book will empower you to have faith and walk in Gods protection and healing. It refers to how you construct a more favorable environment. That way, you will be able to pray these prayer points well, with great assurance that God has heard you; and that the answers are on the way. Pray this prayer at your physical gates or entrance to your house, city, street, etc. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. The power of our praises . Command Your Money: 10 Simple Actions of Faith That Will Provoke Financial Breakthrough for Anyone, 17. "Praise the Lord! and anoint the place with oil to break any yoke of evil dominion according to Isaiah 10:27. The Spirit is against the flesh Galatians 5:17 (NKJV) Spirit flesh. Your details are safe and will not be shared with 3rd parties. . These prayer points for spiritual empowerment are not all there is really to prayer points for spiritual empowerment but are good enough to give you a head start. I terminate every contract and cancel every evil promissory note kept in satanic files for my sake in the name of Jesus. And at those gates are spiritual gatekeepers. Obadiah 17. To be free from every evil gate standing in the way of your progress, every gate of stagnation keeping you from moving from one level of glory to a higher level of God's glory pray this prayer: O Lord, shatter to pieces every gate of bronze; every gate of stagnation erected around my life. 12. A deity manifests more power and control in a place if the altars there are raised to that deity. Every evil pregnancy in my life be aborted in the name of Jesus. 3. pursuing them. But just like every provision of the cross of Christ, you need prayer and faith to appropriate spiritual power. Father, fill me with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, so I may know the hope you have called me to and also your inheritance in me in Christ, in Jesus name. " And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out". (Based on Hos. Abu Bako: Establishing Gods Altar Everywhere (Author of PRAYING THROUGH THE GATES OF TIME), Emmanuel Olewa: How to be a living Sacrifice on the Altar to God for your nation, Atim Sofiri Ogan: Fresh Fire on the Lords Altar, Emmanuel Kure: Practical Prophetic Prayer and Warfare. Certain hours of the day different gates are open in the spirit realm and it is during that specific time that we pray to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. The gate into 2021 is open from midnight of December 31st. THE NEW ME 2 Cor 5:17 (NKJV) 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; 4. Pray with this book for seven days and command the doors of money, favor, wisdom, ideas, and unlimited breakthrough to open. Throughout your life continue to raise altars to God and call the name of Jehovah over your life, the lives of your family, your office, your properties, your interest. Are you looking for simple-to-follow instructions that will trigger a financial breakthrough for you very quickly? 31 Days With the Holy Spirit: A Daily Meditations and Prayers to Learn More of the Holy Spirit, Connect More With Him, and Manifest His Presence and Gifts, 3. Strive! Two of the keys of heaven are called Praise and Worship. 8. 1 Chronicles 16:8 My Father, I thank you for your great and marvelous works in my life and ministry in Jesus name. A gate that has become a seal of limitation should be shattered. I receive an anointing to deal with all gates prevailing against me. 42). Father, thank you for the revelation on spiritual gates. This is why people, even believers, have dreams of masquerades, bulls, snakes etc. 15. 14. Until you begin to open your mouth and release the Word of God from the inspiration and revelation you get from Him, or from reading His words against your situation, the gate controlling that situation cannot open. Let all strange hands that have touched my blood be neutralized in the name of Jesus. 4. 11. 28. Therefore, when you pour anointing oil and speak Gods word the earth hears and responds. Also, idolatrous . Oh Lord my Father, cause me to have a revelation of the power of the name of Jesus and how to use it for your glory, in Jesus name. Powerful faith-filled words and declarations that cast out demons, stop the mouths of lions, level mountains, stop storms, raise back to life dead dreams, open doors of favor, and trigger your creativity. This book exposes Psalm 91, with prayers and declarations that will bring you into a deeper understanding of the words of this Psalm, empower a better fellowship with God, and help you to walk in the reality of the promises therein. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2.Are used to trap and hold people. There is a second problem with spiritual cages. Gates to be breakthrough, open now in Jesus name Gates of heaven open for my sake in Jesus name. Satanists use human sacrifice to open the gate of the ground so that it can swallow up its inhabitants and resources. 28:5-6; 29:6). Many of you are tormented by demonic operations to which you have no knowledge of the source of origin nor solution. 44. SCRIPTURE READING: 1. By His Stripes: Gods Promises and Prayers for Healing, 1. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; let your kingdom be established in every area of my life. Joel 3:9:"Say to the nations far and wide: "Get ready for war! 2. It's only a matter of time before The King's roar will sound, the gates will fall, and hell will have to answer for its insurrection against the throne. Since gates are not only physical: you might not always need to enter a gate literally or physically. 19. 4. Let every evil effect of ritual killing upon my life by ancestors be neutralized in the name of Jesus. Give Orders to the Day (365 Days) April June: Daily Meditations and Prophetic Declarations for All Round Victory, Protection, Healing, and Breakthrough (Daily Power Book 2). 57. My eyes are awake through the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word. Father, thank you for your anointing upon my life, in the name of Jesus. Let the healing power of the Holy Spirit, overshadow me. (Gen. 22:17 and Gen 24:60) However, for many of us the enemies have possessed our gates. Spiritual cage can pollute the gift of a person and turn it to dust. This year () money shall serve my family and me. Father, I pray and I receive the Spirit of excellence that make for beauty and glory in all I do, in Jesus name. I shall locate and open the gates of prosperity in this land in Jesus name.. Less Panic, More Hope Gods Promises and Prayers Against Fear, Anxiety And Depression, 6. And Christians are also stumbling on it. 3. I shall walk this month in victory and liberty of the spirit. Let the counsel of the devil against me be destroyed and be frustrated in the name of Jesus. Under His Shadow: Gods Promises and Prayers for Protection, 1. 5. 8. 5. Prayer 3. Prayers to Overcome the Spirit and Fear of Death. 10. 3. s the GATES, and one of the keys we need to possess the ga tes is the key of the knowledge of TIME. They are making contact with the various gates on the roads up to the borders of the city. Satanic gates provide a hindrance to a persons growth and progress in different areas of life, just as how physical gates impede progress. And we will excel and shine because the Spirit of God indwells us, and Gods glory is being revealed upon us and through us. Holy Spirit, teach me to avoid unfriendly foods and unprofitable to discussions. Thanks and God bless you. We will never become victims of sickness, lack, scarcity, pain, terrorism, attacks, and death, in the name of Jesus Christ. 34. Any spirit that blocks the unction or communication between our body, souls and spirit. In the month of January, we did our usual 21 days fasting and prayers. 3. Let every link, label and oppressors be destroyed by the blood of Jesus. Many have not gain knowledge and understanding of the reality of evil Gates, evil Altars, and evil Covenants made against your life; probably . Let every counsel, plan, desire, expectation, imagination, device and activity of the oppressors against my life be rendered null and void in the name of Jesus. I will sing praises to Jehovah-Rophe, for He is the God who patiently pursued me while I was still in sin. I receive the Spirit of justice to sit in judgment against this satanic device. I will see restoration in my marriage, relationships, and career. Pray this prayer at your physical gate or entrance and anoint the place with oil as in Genesis 28:12. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts, prayers and prophetic declarations sent to you by email. 1. You are a new creation, born of God and therefore superior to the devil. Healing Prayers: Prophetic Prayers & Declarations For Divine Healing. This year (..), I will never be out of a job. T he very first watch is the gate for the beginning of the . In this latest masterpiece from bestselling author, Daniel Okpara, youll discover that most of your prayers have been answered. 2. Let every evil device against me be disappointed in Jesus name. Prayers over Gates: Through Jesus let me possess the gate of the enemy ( Genesis 22:17 ). It is written: Ephesians 6:12 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Let all the powers of my adversaries be rendered impotent in the name of Jesus. ( 2 Cor. Prayer. (Ezekiel 37:9-10). I refuse to wage war against myself in the name of Jesus. 14. 7 Days Financial Breakthrough Prayers: Simple Prayers, Declarations, and Instructions to Attract and Manifest Financial Breakthrough. I have had a passion for prayer and what you have shared has really met this passion.May the Lord bless you richly. Anger Management Gods Way Bible Ways to Controlling Your Emotions, Healing Your Hurts and Responding to Offenses. Dear Lord Jesus, I declare that I will stand strong in times of battle never forgetting the tools You've provided. In the week that we had this program on my Facebook daily broadcast, the power of God was released in the lives of hundreds of members and listeners. 11. They occur at a particular month, season, place or age. Oh Lord, cause me to be creative with the mind of Christ, in Jesus name. If not, the good thing is that you can do the prayers any time, not only in January. These powerful teachings and daily prophetic declarations are designed to empower you to take charge of your day, encounter God in a powerful way, and experience daily breakthrough. That altar was to open a gate, a doorway into the city to control the gates that operated there. By Gods strange intervention, I will experience restoration in every area of my life. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'faithvictorious_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! I throw the giant dragnet of the Holy Ghost and I catch all the spiritual gate men working against me. These prayers points are scriptural and therefore must receive the attention of heaven. Build your life in Gods presence every day. I therefore shut this gate permanently against the wicked. This was the famous request of the disciples to the Lord Jesus Christ one day as He came down from the mountainside . As you pray the power of God that breaks the wall of Jericho is breaking evil wall and gate in your life in Jesus name. Open the eyes of my heart to see you and to understand the Scripture, in Jesus name. I stand at the gate of 2021 and declare that God is the Maker of heaven and earth. I release battering rams against the gates of hell ( Ezekiel 21:22 ). if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-netboard-1','ezslot_20',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-netboard-1-0');17. In the name of Jesus, I call on the heavenly surgeon to perform surgical operations where necessary in my life. PRAYER POINT: Every demonic restriction placed upon my life; receive the fire of God. Prayer is supposed to be a dialogue, not a monologue! Praying in the Spirit as often as possible. Each time you see people building a shrine or an altar they are building a doorway for Satan. 2. 47. I want you to know that, as a child of God, you can not be stopped, the devil has no power to hold you bound. 60. The greater the sacrifice on the altar, the more power is drawn from the realm of darkness. Every power that has closed the gate of prosperity against me die in the name of Jesus. "Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand. Spiritual cage can prosper in your life through the curses anoher person issued against you in the past. No demon operates in a land without coming though a gate. You must be alert to possess the gate of the year spiritually before the year starts. For easier access to our daily and weekly prayers. READ ALSO: Prayer Points For The Manifestation Of Gods Power. 3. That is why when you anoint a place that has troubled you and command the trouble to stop, the sensitivity in that place is supposed to open up to your prayer. 41). I receive strength to flush the enemy out of my gates in the Name of Jesus. 40 PRAYER POINTS: 1. This year, all my prayers will be answered, and all my past seeds turned into harvests of testimonies for me. God bless you too, Josephine.Glad you find the prayer points helpful. A gate that has put you in a box and has become a prison it needs to be shattered, you blast it in the name of Jesus. The blood of Jesus sets free, and so we chant again this morning, that the day will obey the blood that speaks great things of victory for us in Jesus' name. Every gate of rejection that has made people to give on me - I command you to open for my acceptance! O Lord, make my life invisible to demonic observers. 2. I command spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough to die in the name of Jesus. Heavenly Father, the Judge of heaven and earth, I call you my Abba, Father. Lord gives me power to pursue and overtake the enemy and also to recover my stolen property. Below are some of them specifically. Under His Shadow: Gods Promises and Prayers for Protection. Satanic banks, release my properties in your hand in Jesus name. Beside the Still Waters: Gods Promises and Prayers for Guidance and Direction | Learn to Know the Will of God & Make Right Decisions, 14. So, we recommend that you not pray these prayer points for spiritual empowerment in understanding only; you should also pray them in the spirit as well, if not more. i love your books. This may indicate the operation of satanic gates set up against them.