punisher family death scene daredevil

The place that her face used to be.Frank Castle to Daredevil. ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Having returning into their Apartment, Castle had greeted Dinah Madani, once she returned by the morning, with Castle just claiming that he had stayed up late the previous night with Amy Bendix. That's real, Red. Punisher killed cannibal Daredevil, but he also killed Matt accidentally in one comic, by shooting with a tranquilizer gun and causing him to fall from a building to his death. Castle grew mad at that question and left, saying that he will always call out to her when he appraoched the RV, if no one said anything, point and fire as it was not him. During one of his unit's deployments within Afghanistan, Castle was assigned to a new task force under the supervision of Ray Schoonover and an anonymous civilian commander known to the men only as Agent Orange. Castle stopped Rawlins, knocking him on the ground, learning of Russo's betrayal. Although most of the hour focused on flashbacks to Murdock's past with Elektra and her arrival in New York City, Castle wasn't far from anyone's thoughts. However, the Punisher managed to find the broken shard of glass and stabbed Russo in the gut with it, causing Russo to then stop in his tracks. I guess I'm old-fashioned. It's rare to find such a formidable hero that doesn't have any superpowers whatsoever. IfThe Punisher gets a second season, it will finally be able to move beyond the search for who killed Frank's family. Ive watched these rooftop scenes so many times. He proceeded to gun down several criminals on the dock who were guarding the ship, before he boarded, and found a significant stash of heroin on board. [15], If you're gonna look at yourself, really look in the mirror, you got to admit who you are. He did not use bullets so he did not kill them, but saw abtaser coming his way, so he redirected it. Working alongside Frank, Micro is gunned down in crossfire during an exchange: Billy Russo is holding Micro's wife Sarah and son Zach, and wants to swap them for . However, they were then interrupted by a knock at the door, as both Castle and Bendix hid inside the bedroom while Madani opened the door to Brett Mahoney, who had come over to ask Madani if she had stolen Russo's Journal from Sacred Saints Hospital, which she had denied. Venom also meets his match in the Marvel Universe Vs. Later that night, Castle drove out of town but realizing he had a chance at a normal life, quickly turned his van around. Once he had arrived at Quinn's Apartment, Castle had taken note of the guitars that she had on display, as Quinn explained that she had played during her high school years. Quinn had noted that she believed Castle, claiming that she did not usually make a habit of bringing men home, with Castle saying that did not either, as they laughed together. Frank Castle, the dead man? ""Jesus, you are unreal. And anybody who came here today to hear me whine, to hear me beg? So Castle attacked a base for the Dogs of Hell, massacring almost all the members inside the base with his shotgun and taking control of one of the trucks to be used in his plan. Eventually, Castle took out the final agent, non-lethally shooting him. Since Castle was not taking it all seriously, Madani then presented him with his Skull Vest, noting that the blood that was on it belonged to him, her and Russo, noting that while Castle got closure, Russo did not, with Madani also insisting that the only closure Russo understood would be a bullet in the head. Punisher had a hard time thinking of a way to kill Thing, but eventually decided on armor-piercing missiles. Castle limped out of the ambulance and gained his bearings enough to try to pop his dislocated shoulder back in place. However, Castle was not going to listen. Castle refused to talk to anybody. But then he got a load of what the guy could do. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . What does it change if I'm dead? He then showed how easily she could have died by shooting the gun at the wall. All they want is dumb forced jokes every second. One agent found and aimed their rifle at Bennett by mistake, only for Castle to appear from the darkness and knock the man out. Viewers, and Frank Castle, believed they knew what led to the tragic deaths of his wife and two children: They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught in the crossfire of three rival gangs while innocently enjoying a sunny day in Central Park. While Russo held back the knife, he looked the Punisher directly into the eye and smiled, before then drawing his own Hidden Blade, which penetrated the Punisher's arm. The Punisher and Daredevil fought, and Frank and the Blacksmith's goons, until the ship's stores of gunpowder were ignited and the entire thing went up in a massive explosion, killing everyone onboard including (supposedly) Frank Castle himself. agent, and not by Frank. Leave them in the comments! He firmly believes that the truly evil deserve no mercy, and as such he holds no regret in the deaths of any criminal he kills. Daredevil tried to learn more about him, but Castle just told him to stop digging to try and get some kind of better understanding of his mindset. Castle followed Wilson and Page to the basement kitchen where he attempted to talk him down and used the story about how he helped Curtis Hoyle as a signal to Page to grab the white wire on Wilson's deadman's switch. Frank Castle explaining how his family died. Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. As Russo got up, he suggested they meet at Central Park for their final battle, wanting it to be where Castle's entire family had been gunned down, before Russo had then simply walked out of the door. The base was put on alert in order to find the intruder. Charlie Cox Spotted in NYC Ahead of Daredevil: Born Again Production,The devil of hell's kitchen is getting solo spotlight in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Punisher and Bendix then walked out of the mansion, seeing Pilgrim standing with his two sons who he had saved, before they overheard the sound of Schultz shooting himself. The other alternative universe that has Frank Castle killing a list of superheroes is Marvel Universe - 95126. Hoyle assured him that was not the case. Once Blake Tower had finished his questioning of the witness, Murdock stepped up asking him about his own career and how he had handled the case involving Castle. Castle was informed about Anderson and Eliza Schultz, the CEOs of Testament Industries. Castle called he and Curtis Hoyle's old friend down in Florida in hope that he could help Bendix as she was moving there. Seeking to end Castle's search for those responsible for Cerberus, Russo then offered him the chance to go work for Anvil overseas, noting that although Castle's family were gone they were still brothers. (season 3) The third and final season of the American streaming television series Daredevil, which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows Matt Murdock / Daredevil, a blind lawyer-by-day who fights crime at night. Believing himself to be gravely outnumbered and likely to be killed during this final firefight, Castle recited his daughter's favorite poem of "One Batch, Two Batch" to calm his nerves as he prepared for his final gunfight. ""Yes, I did. Page suspected he knew something and insisted they do things the right way but Castle advised her to remain under FBI protection and hung up. Armed with the weapons from Ray Schoonover's armory, Castle prepared to leave the city to eliminate the last gang members who were involved in Massacre at Central Park. Honest. Netflix. During his search, the Punisher heard Russo mockingly call out to him, claiming that guys like them needed this type of conflict and that they were never good people and deserved nothing better than what they had gotten. As Castle walked out, he noticed a group of men following him. The antihero, who originated in a 1974 issue of The Amazing Spider-Man before getting his own series (and frequently clashing with the Devil of Hell's Kitchen), was driven to punish criminals with a bloody vengeance thanks to the tragic deaths of his own family. Daredevil. Castle became more enraged as he insisted that he enjoyed killing those men and told the people that he was the Punisher and would continue killing whoever he wanted. The two exchanged many shots. It's my own damn fault.Frank Castle to Amy Bendix. However, Martin said that if he came up, she was dead. Castle was put through surgery and medical troubles before getting put in a bed. But just in case you're fuzzy on the . You know he used to do hits for the Irish.Frank Castle and Karen Page. This caused the Russians to join the fight, as Punisher was kicked in the back by Vor, pushing him into another man who he had knocked into a barbel. [15], Let's end this, Bill, hmm? Hoyle said that he was not her babysitter. Think he sounded a lot better in Fury. While Castle remained at the bar, he witnessed Amy Bendix come to the bar and ordering a soft drink from Beth Quinn. ""Loss of curiosity is a loss of humanity, Frank. They had been practicing at a warehouse. Witnessing this, the Punisher had furiously charged at Russo while his back was turned as they wrestled for Russo's weapon, with neither managing to shoot the other until their gun had been thrown aside and they then continued fighting with just their bare fists. It only got more complicated in Episode 12 ("The Dark at the End of the Tunnel"). Micro wakes up with a hangover but still thinks going to Madani is the best option. However, he asked not to be shot in the face as he wanted his kids to recognize him. When Bendix had suggested that they leave before Pilgrim could kill them, and use Shantel as a resource to get out of the city, Castle claimed that this would be impossible since Pilgrim would never stop until he found her and killed her, noting that Pilgrim clearly had connections. ""I'm just an asshole who couldn't stay out of trouble, that's all.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Castle blindly unloaded his bullets into the wall in hopes of killing Russo. Castle the stood up, saying she could have it if she took it from him. Exiting the bathroom, a fight soon broke out between Castle and the rest of the mercenaries, losing his wedding ring in the process. Wolverine attacks Frank, but Colossus subdues him and Frank is arrested. Castle demanded that Daredevil make his choice, as he was unwilling to allow Grotto to go free as he was sure that Grotto would kill again if given the chance. When Madani asked Castle who this target was for, Castle looked directly into the camera, and said that William Rawlins was the man in charge, and had ordered Bennett's death, as he named Rawlins' rank in the CIA, as he claimed that Cerberus was founded by Rawlins. ""You left men hanging from meathooks! Bendix posed as a waitress and she showed the photographs to Nikolai Poloznev. Moreover, his time offscreen wasn't spent idle either; he was prepping for the second half of the series. Although Venom was originally a super-villain, the progression of his character lead many to view him as an anti-hero, much like The Punisher himself. ""You knew he was alive, all this time. Eventually, Russo managed to gain a full advantage during their fight, knocking the Punisher into the mirror and cracking it, before stabbing his Hidden Blade into the Punisher's shoulder, causing him to drop to the floor in agony while the mirror behind him fell apart. Spider-Man is positioned as the primary antagonist throughout the story, mainly because he was patient zero in the outbreak. Castle would make a hole to another room where they hid and they ambushed Olin's crew, killing three of them. Having achieved his long-awaited closure, Frank burned down his family home and strode away into the darkness, determined to spend his life punishing criminals. Waking up, Castle's first thought was for Henderson. Taking Bendix's advice, Castle then lowered the shotgun, telling Clive that this was his lucky day, as he and Bendix proceeded to leave him bleeding on the floor. Castle was shot down and managed to survive after getting shot at close range in the head, but at the hospital, a Do Not Resuscitate was placed on him by District Attorney Samantha Reyes. In order to lighten the mood, Castle jokingly reassured Rex by suggesting that he could be a fan of the New York Rangers, since he had noticed that this was not a team that Rex had supported, while they agreed that the Rangers were a bad team. Russo then demanded that Castle empty his sniper rifle first. It's in the basement of a restaurant. In the aftermath of the fight in Central Park, Castle had then been taken back into custody by the Homeland Security and spent the next three days in Sacred Saints Hospital. Here are 15 Superheroes The Punisher Has DESTROYED. [3] Micro asked Curtis Hoyle to help Castle. Barrett explained that the Russians did not carry guns in the gym due to the police presence, which would allow Castle to kill them. Looking back at the diner, Castle noticed Micro waving to him atop the roof ans signaled him to call him on the phone that he is given before he left the premise. The Punisher | Fight Scene | Daredevil Season 2 | (2016) HD. Castle changed the subject and asked about her relationship with Matt Murdock, making it clear that he knew that she was in love with him and teased her while asking Susanna for more coffee. Micro informed him that his friend died and Castle worried about making good on his promise to Henderson. Jon Bernthal's debut as the violent vigilante was undoubtedly the best of the many plot threads in Daredevil's second go-round, so it was pretty much a given that the character would eventually get his own spinoff. ""I'd say that's spot on. Well, it was more of Daredevil listening to Frank. Just as Russo mocked the Punisher's name, calling it a crock of shit, they were interrupted by the arrival of Dinah Madani, who had come to capture or kill Russo. Castle then took his magazine and threw it onto the side of the wall. Seeing that he'd been shot in the buttocks during the fight, Castle asked for Rachel's help to remove the bullet and stitch the wound, much to her disgust. Castle called Daredevil an altar boy, but soon, all his attackers were defeated and the pair then quickly made their escape back into New York City from the warehouse. He also enjoys reading and goes through books at a fast pace. ""Well, I know where the exits are. He was met by cops and had to make the hard decision of fighting them. You're gonna learn about loss. Castle survived the explosion and when he saw Gosnell was one of the men sent to kill him, he deduced that Ray Schoonover was the Blacksmith. He then discovered Schoonover's secret stash of military-grade weapons and a bulletproof vest. You will know pain and fear. Fortunately, there are some alternative universes where those questions are answered. I think it's safe to say that Daredevil still has plenty of surprises in store for us. Hardin agrees with Ogden and orders him to contact the state police. Punisher eventually kills Kingpin and frees Mary-Jane, which sets up the opportunity for the cannibals and the uninfected to live together, side-by-side. Just as Castle had predicted would happen, the surprise raid quickly turned out to be an ambush as their squad was hit with machine gun fire and mortar rounds, which resulted in Schoonover losing his arm while many soldiers were killed. Castle suggested that she could walk away from the danger but she decided to help Castle find and stop the Blacksmith. And you killed them for it.""Yeah. Russo figured that Castle was listening and scolded Castle for being a monster. Before they left the Photo Studio, Bendix noted that Castle was clearly disappointed that he did not get to kill Clive, which he did not comment on as he prepared to leave. By this time, Frank has worked his way through the entire cast of Marvel characters, killing heroes and villains alike. Castle's prediction was correct as he took up a sniping position directed at Hoyle's Apartment where he had Hoyle move Russo by a window where Castle could shoot him. Though all of Frank Castle's core attributes remained, his prolonged arc onDaredevil offered a deeper look at his motivations and questioned just how much of a hero he really was. ""You want me, come get me. ""I'm not lonely right now. Suddenly, the police arrived, telling Castle to drop his gun. Micro, a hacker and whistleblower who revealed details of an off-the-books hit squad within the US military, pulls Castle back into his war when he reveals that more people were involved in his family's death. Meanwhile, Bennett dined and vented his frustration to his Mistress, whom he engaged in erotic role-play. Castle told Madani about their Operation Cerberus, which he called a covert CIA operation, claiming that their mission was to apprehend, interrogate and assassinate targets in Afghanistan. Early in this storyline, Captain America joins forces with Punisher, Deadpool, and Wolverine to stop the infected hulk and his faction. Madani then presented Castle with Russo's Journal, which was filled with all his sketches of Skull Imagery, making it clear that Russo was haunted by images of the Punisher, as Madani had suggested that Russo had actually been pretending to not remember what happened to between them. Upon arriving, Punisher kept himself hidden in the shadows until he witnessed the Carousel being activated, giving Punisher flashbacks of his family. He took the knife and placed it against Nelson's throat, saying he knew what happened next. Although Chaney attempted to offer to bring Castle to the Blacksmith himself, Castle ignored him and instead shot him through the head. As Castle looked at the statue and witnessed another family, he recalled upon looking at the statue and even threatening his son, something he apologized for and holding his children close. And that is where you'll be waiting in the van.Micro and Frank Castle. However, he refused to admit it. Castle started to interrogate Nelson, saying that he knew Nelson was hard to break due to his veteran background, but Castle also went through the training, so he knew how to break Nelson. He shot soldier in the arm and escaped on his van. I would really love to see a scene in the movies done like this but we all know thatd never happen. As Castle yelled, O'Rourke pinned Bendix down, ignoring Castle's warnings of what he would do if O'Rourke touched her. Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. Castle then ran in, worried and saw nobody. Once Castle later returned to the bar having been to the bathroom, he noticed that Quinn was getting harassed by Johnny, who had been insisting that she drink with him. When the second season opened, Castles crime scenes were investigated by Daredevil, and defended by Matt Murdocks law firm. At the hideout, Hoyle removed the arrow from his shoulder and patched him up. Castle had questioned if Hoyle really believed that Russo had lost his memories, with Hoyle noting that Castle had cracked his skull during their showdown, so it was hardly surprising. They finally tracked down Nelson on the street. Season 2 is hurt by defenders set up, but the first 4 ish episodes with punisher is at the top for the series. Lance threatened Castle to not make an enemy out of him before walking away, purposely stepping on Castle's sandwich. [23], Of course, it's you. Later in the shootout, Castle would see Olin attempting to use a gun on her. Castle ignored Madani's calls, continuing to watch for his targets outside of his car. By the end of the fourth episode, his law firm, Nelson and Murdock, was representing Frank Castle and defended his mass gang killings in what was billed as the "trial of the century.". However, Castle immediately immobilized Lance with his sledgehammer, defeated Leo, and hit Paulie in face with it. Quinn questioned if these incidents from his past explained Castle's scars, as he claimed that it did for some, before acknowledging that Castle did not have to tell her the truth. As the other man then attempted to crawl away in agony, the Punisher calmly stepped over to him and shot him into the back of the head. Movies versus TV. Venom attacked The Punisher, and the two began to battle. I'm guilty, you hear me! [8], The other night, babysitting that shit-prick, running around with that Grotto, I just, I only hurt people that deserve that, I wanted you to know that. Once Madani had then gone to meet with Hernandez, Bendix then began questioning Castle about whether or not she was ever going to help them, or if he was going to help her, questioning if Madani was Castle's ex, which he ignored. When one man had almost shot him, the Punisher pushed him back and shot in twice in the gut and then in the face. Castle first appeared in Daredevil season 2, wherein he was avenging his wife's and children's deaths by killing the members of the criminal gangs involved in the amusement . This whole thing This whole thing is bullshit! Wolverine's scene is towards the end of the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe saga, and it's where the reader learns that Frank has been on a warpath since he set the nuke that killed many of the heroes. Bendix hesitated, but exhaled and pulled the trigger. You know, up close, I'd rather have this than any firearm.Frank Castle to Zach Lieberman, That skull? Once he was out in the open, the Punisher told Russo to let the kids go free, only for Russo to keep his weapon on them and demand that the Punisher throw his gun and knife aside. Staying true to his word, Castle headed out into Central Park, having donned his Skull Vest and armed himself with multiple weapons for his showdown with Billy Russo. However, when the web-slinger made a joke about the Punisher's dating life, the . In response, Frank, himself a former decorated Marine, committed himself to a one-man war against all crime in New York City but in particular, the three gangs involved in that fateful shootout: the Irish, the bikers, and the cartel. The pair realized they had both been a part of the United States Marine Corps which gave themselves great respect for each other as Jerry left Castle alone to enjoy his cigarette and peace and quiet. However, Castle had then noted that Madani also had her chance to kill Russo and failed to. ""Yeah, okay, I will, if you don't kill me first.Punisher and Daredevil. However, Bendix gently touched Castle's arm as she suggested that this would be a step too far, even for Castle. When Castle was investigating the cabin, Henderson shot him with an arrow. Once Lieberman decided to go inside his house, Castle was invited to join him, but declined his offer to come inside the house and be a part of their family, noting that Lieberman knew why he could not, to which Lieberman accepted his choice. Open your eyes, man. November 8, 2017. Fearing for his life, Barrett had insisted that he had been forced to betray him by the Russians, although the Punisher insisted that he should not worry, since Barrett had done exactly what he had wanted him to do, much to his considerable annoyance as they both then insisted that they did not want to see each other again. Castle was later visited in the interrogation room of the prison by Karen Page who suggested that they bring forward a character witness from Castle's time in the United States Marine Corps who could possibly help their case. Daredevil continued to discuss how New York City affects people. When Page asked why he wanted to see her he began asking about the layout of his house as he had forgotten in all the years he had been away from it, telling her the stories of his son hiding cookies and his daughter's toys. Upon returning home, Castle takes his family to Central Park for a picnic. Even watching my buddies die, it just it didn't mean nothing. Haven't seen him since I was a little kid. However, the pair were interrupted as Ray Schoonover entered their tent to order them to come for a mission briefing. Hoyle grabbed Castle and pinned him against the wall. What exactly happened to Frank Castle's family on. However, this still did not slow the Russian down, as he proceeded to charge straight at Punisher, knocking him off his feet. Letting of an empty clicking sound from the empty gun. Castle thanked her and left, but not before leaving one of the bartenders a severed thumb, as he knew he was apart of the crew. Yeah. But then, in Episode 7 ("Semper Fidelis"), when Elektra's meddling screwed up Murdock's opening defense statement in Castle's trial, it seemed like their client would stop cooperating. As the enemy ran at him, Castle went through his arsenal of weapons, going from his machine gun to pistol as the battle closed in on him, pinning an enemy to the wall and firing multiple shots into his face before continuing to move forward. However, they were then interrupted by Bendix, who noted that as the situation with Russo was unlikely to be resolved quickly, she had wondered if Madani could use her contacts at Homeland Security to help them with the Russian Mafia, while she had then suggested that Madani could have them deported, much to Castle's frustration, as he did not intend to tell Madani about this. While Schultz weeped, the Punisher noted how David Schultz had become a good man despite his parent's actions. This angered Castle, telling them to let him go so he could take care of it. While Bendix had then gone into the next room to begin developing the photographs she had taken in Chicago for Fiona, Castle had sat down and begun staring at the utterly terrified Clive. However, the Punisher decided to give Russo a worse punishment and removed the knife, choosing not to kill him. I'm right here. With the distraction in place, Castle jumped on the roof of the truck carrying the weapons and stole it. Daredevil continued to accuse Castle of making widows and orphans through his actions. ""You didn't, no you just shot him okay. As the Punisher brutalized the corpses, the mercenaries made it to Micro's computer system as they found footage of William Rawlins torturing Ahmad Zubair playing on a loop. Micro revealed that it is a fail-safe system if the countdown reaches zero, then it would trigger explosives in the building that would kill them. ""No, he did not. At the hideout, Micro watched a video of his family when Castle returned. Although Grotto was able to get out of the hospital with Page taking him downstairs and putting him in her car to be driven away, Castle had still managed to get onto the roof of the hospital and used a sniper rifle to attempt to take out his target, watching Grotto as he peered out of the car's window. Castle loosely followed Pilgrim, telling Bendix to do what he said. Wilson then locked him in a storage room, before Wilson used his own explosives to commit suicide. They began shooting at the truck, killing the man, while they were still unaware of Castle's true location as he continued to watch the entire event unfolding just as he had planned. She offered Castle the chance to participate in the CIA mission to do what he does best, but Castle refused to work with her, making Madani deal with her problems by herself. The comic ends after that, but the implication is that Frank killed himself to fulfill his mission. I think that this world, it needs men that are willing to make the hard call.