Convergence is dedicated to assisting local and national Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) by providing consultation to HBCU leaders, Biblical education for students, and mentorship. The Greek liturgy of Saint James, used once a year at Jerusalem; The Syriac liturgy used by the Nestorian church; The Malabar liturgy, used by the Saint Thomas Christians of India; the Byzantine liturgy, used in various languages by the Orthodox churches; The Armenian liturgy, used by the Georgians and the Armenian Eastern Rite churches. Hopkins, Joseph (April 21, 1978). In short, it's complicated. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: Convergence Church Meet the Team Meet the Team Our team is a group of inspired, loving and creative leaders from different backgrounds but all with one heart to promote relational healing in the next generation. Characteristics of Convergence Christianity - Darkwood Brew They emphasize strict orthodoxy (following of established rules or traditions) on cardinal doctrines, morals, and especially on the authority of the Bible. The Convergence Movement 0 During this consideration period, our Bishops review their findings and make a decision for membership. Once welcomed as a member, what is expected? , we mean that we are rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (euangelion) and believe in living it within the world. Anglicans regard ordination as a sacramental rite, or as commonly called a sacrament . It is largely a result of the ecumenical movement. This scripture summarizes the insight and discovery which has led to a fresh stream of thought and renewal throughout the wider Body of Christ. stream endobj [9] It was inspired by the spiritual pilgrimages of modern Protestant writers like Thomas Howard, Robert E. Webber, Peter E. Gillquist, and ancient Christian writers such as the Church Fathers and their communities. We are entrepreneurial. In 2018, our Communion continued to mature as we elected to adopt the historic episcopate in apostolic succession common to all Catholic and Apostolic churches and our first two bishops were consecrated. These men, along with theologians, scripture scholars, and pastors in a number of Protestant denominational traditions, were calling Christians back to what they saw as their roots in the early Church prior to the Great Schism and rise of the state church of the Roman Empire. As far as I can tell, the "Convergence Movement" was a term used a few years ago by a handful evangelical and charismatic Christian leaders as part of a call churches back to their roots in early Christianity that did not take hold. endobj From mainstream Eastern Orthodox teaching, no holy orders outside of their churches are recognized.[53]. von Folmar laid the foundation for what is today the Convergent Catholic Communion. (See list below for summary). Upon adopting an affinity-based model, three Connexons were created to represent those relationships; a fourth being recently created for the Eastern Rite. <> In addition to the holiness principle, they believe in, among other doctrines, the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, forgiveness of sin through the death of Christ and the repentance of the sinner, a nonmillennial concept of the return of Christ, and external reward or punishment as a result of the final judgment. In 2016, upon the death of Rev. In June of 2021, our governing Councils approved a transition to an affinity-based model. What do you believe about the Holy Scripture? The individuals who make up the movement believe that they have been filled or baptized with the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. For 170 years weve helped churches bring life change to communities in the U.S. and around [19] Lovelace approvingly noted the trend of Catholics, Evangelicals, and Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians moving closer together. The convergence movement is a coming together of the three major historic branches of the Church; Liturgy is; a body of rites (or system of ceremonial procedures) prescribed for formal public worship. Protestantism,is oneofthethreemajor divisions of Christianity, the others being Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy. [8], The pioneers of the Convergence Movement were seeking to restore a primitive form of Christianity different from what the Restoration Movement taught. It emphasized as absolutely basic to Christianity the following beliefs: the. Basically unheralded or openly recognized until about 1985, many in the movement have discovered others on the journey from various church backgrounds who had similar or identical experiences and insights. The Third Wave has been described by some as an epilogue to the Charismatic Renewal, bringing together Charismatic elements of worship, experience and practice with the Evangelical tradition. Additionally, it means that we have a strong appreciation for restoration, renewal, and revival within the Church. Introducing the Convergence Movement : Anglicanism - reddit Convergent Christianity is currently expressed in three ways in our Communion. Particular focus was given to the apostolic and Ante-Nicene Fathers of the ancient, undivided Church up until about 390 A.D. Third Expression Convergent Catholics would embrace what many describe as the low church dominant paradigm; that which is commonly experienced in the typical Protestant congregation. All rights reserved. The following graph, developed by the leadership of Hosanna Church of the King located in the Kansas City metropolitan area, illustrates the essential elements and ingredients being drawn upon by the majority of those participating in the movement at this point: The blending or converging of these traditions is seen by those involved as the work of God the Holy Spirit imparting a spiritual operation of grace best captured in the vision of Psalm 46:5,6: There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy Place where the Most High dwells. Thus, the city of God is seen as the Church, the river as the action and flow of Gods Presence through His Church and the many streams as expressions of the one rivers life that have developed or broken off from the main river through history, all of which are necessary to enrich and make glad the city with the fullness of Gods life, power, purpose and Presence. The conference issued several documents which together are known as "The Chicago Call". von Folmar laid the foundation for what is today the Convergent Catholic Communion. Convergence supports the reshaping of organizations, congregations and leaders engaged in an age of movement from "organized religion" to "organizing religion" driven by the values of an inclusive, progressive theological vision for a more just world for all. Chances are, you have never heard of Convergent Catholicism and you have found yourself on these pages trying to figure out just what we mean by that. % [6][7] Denominations in this movement have also been referred as some form of broader, or new Anglicanism or Episcopalianism. Our Communion embraces the creeds, sacraments, and historic episcopate in apostolic succession of the Church Catholic. 9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. The outward and visible sign of the sacrament is the imposition of hands by a bishop, sometimes accompanied by the transmission of an object or objects associated with the order, such as a chalice and paten for a priest. During the first three centuries of the Christian era, the rite of the church was comparatively fluid (or very likely changing), based on various accounts of the Last Supper. %PDF-1.5 We consider this type as first expression due to the belief that in the first few centuries of the Church it was fully evangelical, fully charismatic and fully sacramental. Additionally, Connexions may organize alternative events to foster further engagement within the that ecclesial community. Try again or donate now to create an account. #336 Due to the dispersed nature of our Communion, establishing meaningful relationships can be challenging. In the last couple decades Convergence Christianity - borne from Emergent Christianity - has become a phenomenon primarily among post-evangelical and post-liberal Christians who have or are on the path of deconstructing their belief system in an effort to reconstruct what they see as a more authentic and open approach to faith and spirituality. A LOVE AND EMBRACE FOR THE WHOLE CHURCH, AND A DESIRE TO SEE THE CHURCH AS ONE, 4. Second Expression Convergent Catholics find a deeper connection to fully sacramental spirituality, and. All applicants are required to complete a criminal background check, including a check of the US Department of Justice Sexual Offender Registry. The latter originated about 1880 as a movement within existing churches to promote Christian unity. An increasing number of local congregations and leaders from many backgrounds are finding treasures old and new in the spiritual heritage of the church universal. Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens of Belgium, a progressive at the Second Vatican Council, became the movements sponsor within the Roman hierarchy, but many important leaders were laypeople. PDF What is the convergent church movement? - Van Those in the Renewal saw a blending of Charismatic or Pentecostal elements, such as healing, prophecy and spontaneous worship and praise, with the more traditional elements of mainline (and, eventually, Roman Catholic) liturgical and reformed practices. To converge, according to Webster, simply means to move towards one point, to come together or to meet. Lu>JGp,r0bXRivfcm_pm1!dN? I608{4Eg\3F}a(01E3mudw05p;!A4l{9{|u" O7(X=ub|y~6:hEN*u%B%]G>&F The other key influence upon CM has been the Liturgical Renewal Movement, which arose originally out of France in the Roman Catholic Church and the Oxford or Tractarian Movement in the Church of England in the 19th century. During our ordination liturgies our clerics acknowledge the bible as containing all things necessary for salvation. Commissioning or Ordination by the Communion does not automatically grant membership privileges to the Member. Components of the document include: "A Call to Historic Roots and Continuity; A Call to Biblical Fidelity; A Call to Creedal Identity; A Call to Holistic Salvation; A Call to Sacramental Integrity; A Call to Spirituality; A Call to Church Authority; and A Call to Church Unity".[18]. Haywood-Larsen, the General Council appointed Rev. AN INTEREST IN INTEGRATING MORE STRUCTURE WITH SPONTANEITY IN WORSHIP, 6. One by one congregations and leaders have found one another, underlining the sense that God is doing something on a grass root level similar to an underground river about to break to the surface. Today, the Evangelical Orthodox Churchremaining relatively smallhas been categorized as Eastern Protestant. We take chances and we commit our time, talents, and treasures to the building up of the body of Christ. The Convergent Catholic Communion does not offer wages or salaries to our ministers; we are missionaries in the sense that we act on faith in trying to establish church plants, missions, ministries and faith communities wherever we can gather the people. The candidate may expect a determination to be made within 60 days of receiving the application. Authorized: authorized by a local community/ministry, the Communion, or Bishops Council for service as a pastor, staff clergy, evangelist, pastoral therapist, chaplain, Communion staff, or as the director of an educational or service ministry. So too can praise-and-worship churches that incorporate liturgical resources. vGuIiBJl:9$3|3dW\hWwRHFzNI0R"Ls%wxowLn,u%YlgqI4y:GqXmgiTN\''Q9a-a~#eIGY4BH",6WlYy@EZ"Zdw|$, The discoveries and enrichment of the theology and practice of worship and ministry from that fertile era overflowed into the mainline Protestant churches and began to have major impact upon them, as well, from the 1950s on. During deliberations, a decision is made in light of the, The key to attaining membership in our Communion is found in building meaningful relationships with our members and leaders. relating or belonging to any Protestant Christian church that emphasizes the authority of the Bible and salvation through the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ, relating to or based on the Gospels of the Christian Bible, enthusiastic or zealous in support of a particular cause and very eager to make other people share its beliefs or ideals, Although the term is sometimes applied to Jewish worship, it is especially associated with the prayers and ceremonies used in the celebration of the. Current, topical writings to benefit you in leadership and community engagement. Robert E Webber's Legacy: Ancient future faith and worship Church planting, strengthening and global missions | Converge Starting and strengthening churches together worldwide. TIME LINE OF CHURCH HISTORY . The Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has approved a recommendation from the SBC's Credentials Committee to place Saddleback Church of California as . A RESTORED COMMITMENT TO THE SACRAMENTS, ESPECIALLY THE LORDS TABLE, 2. Their church services would be a liturgical experience frombeginning to end; likely including formal prayers of the people, congregational prayers of penitence, professing a Creed aloud together, and sharing thepeace. Copyright 2023 Converge. The River | Charlotte | Convergence Emilio Alvarezwas highlighted in the journal, Liturgy for their publication of Pentecostal Orthodoxy: Toward an Ecumenism of the Spirit. Additionally, the term Connexion further stresses the interconnectedness of the various parts of our Communion. Charismatic Movement (Greek charismata,spiritual gifts), international, interdenominational Christian revivalistic movement, also referred to as Neo-Pentecostalism. Username must be an email address associated with an account. The governance of our Communion is vested in our members gathered at General Assembly (held every 2 years). von Folmar as the Presiding Minister of the Anthem Network. [3][4] Christian denominations stemming from the Convergence Movement typically identify as Convergence, Ancient-Future Faith, Ancient Faith, Ancient Church, Ancient-Future Church, paleo-orthodox, Pentecostal Catholic or Orthodox,[5] or evangelical Episcopal. Between meetings of the General Assembly, the administrative authority of the Communion shallreside in the Bishops Council and the General Council. A CONTINUING COMMITMENT TO PERSONAL SALVATION, BIBLICAL TEACHING, AND TO THE WORK AND MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. For those located outside of the United States, your application will only be consider if there are independent methods for verifying the information submitted. Our clerics are tent-makers in the tradition of St. Paul. Below you will find a series of questions about our Communion - they cover the who, what, when and how of our communion. AN INCREASED APPETITE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE EARLY CHURCH, 3. The Priests are celebrants of Holy Communion; they may offer all the sacraments except Ordination to Holy Orders. About - Convergence Movement 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. What some have called the Third Wave or Signs and Wonders Movement began about 1978 with the emergence of the ministry of John Wimber and the Vineyard Churches that arose through his influence. In the Anglican Church in North America in 2019, the suspended priest Jack Lumanog was excommunicated upon their election to the episcopacy within the Apostolic Communion of Anglican Churches,[25][26][27] a Convergence and self-identified Continuing Anglican jurisdiction established in 2005 originally as the Abyssinian Apostolic Church by Archbishop Darel Chase[28][29] (who also consecrated a claimant to the Roman papacy,[30][29] and established the National Bible College Association accreditation mill which subsequently accredited their self-established Metropolitan Christian University and Midwestern School of Divinity).