We talk about all those people that are in the process of being taken down by our alliance powers and partners around the world, the United States military military intelligence, the behind the scenes POTUS, President Trump, who still exists in the greatest position of influence, where somebody who doesnt appear to be the president of the most powerful nation in the world. Madonna calls their vaccine Madonna operating system. And Im not talking folks. But he businesses werent forced to shut down. And, you know, she said its a store policy at the mask on I said, Im just telling you, I put a mask on I got a National Medical, I got to deal with this all the time. America is different. She didnt. you assess the risk, you make your decision. He was talking about TD Jakes who I know nothing about other than the fact that hes pastor. Every Saturday and the title of the show is well appropriate, appropriately enough. These people made trillions, trillions off of you, while theyre helping to murder you. stores like winco dont do curbside. His shoes will be difficult to fill. 20.8K. Dwight Lilly. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. This, That And The Other. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. If I know about this, how come the governing class doesnt know about it? Or they are very devout, astute employees of different companies to make and work toward making those companies better be part of something great and special. 1:10:18 I first want you to hear a little bit about his background. Share. But guess what the final thing is there on the list be active, we got to make sure were very active. These are people that are self serving, theyll take the money I guarantee you, youre going to find I cant imagine you finding one out of 100 of these smaller businesses that are going to stand out and say you know what? 2021 JAN 08 Tipping Point Scott McKay Sting of Stings Underway - 4CMiTV Where Information Never Sleeps and Truth Breaks the Spell. Sting of Stings which involves 22 Country Alliance. And when somebody would approach me Id tell them the same thing. 1:04:02 Crypt . None of your business shall not be infringed. But But isnt that what it takes an irate, tireless minority to defend liberty, because thats what happened. At the moment, were in jail there another YouTube strike. Because I refuse to take my finger off the trigger of information coming out of a Gatling gun pointed right at the scumbags to try to overwhelm these people with enough truth that it recruits enough soldiers behind me to join the fight. The Hammer side is obviously a hollowed out little bolt, and you can put in your piece pipe whatever you want. Its POW like a Katy catspaw which is a piece of fruit in Tanzania, and to go to test they did on a piece of fruit and a goat cinnamon. 1:53:54 Not going to happen. My record is I need to get in Guinness as the most strikes and the most YouTube channels that have been taken down. Send us a message on Facebook. monarchies. Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. Executives through iidx is not a law. The government centralizing control, usurping it, taking it from the States, unconstitutionally, were going to talk about that in the next hour. We got them now. What is the Patriot Street Fighter Tour by Scott McKay? You know, I said when they get in here that Im going to deal with them. It is absolutely stunning and startling how he ties biblical prophecy and revelations right into the evidence that theyre showing us. And so now how do you arrest somebody for violating something that has no legal number? Also, Bloomberg Johns Hopkins University population center. Left Wing Loon Nina Jankowicz Launches Crowfunding Effort to Sue FOX News, Shocker: Poll Finds Most Americans Think Media is too Easy on Biden, is Becoming More Biased, Katie Hobbs Refusing to Execute Convicted Murderer Despite Decision of Arizona Supreme Court, PATHETIC: German Chancellor Meets with Joe Biden in White House Doesnt Have the Guts to Rip Biden for Blowing Up the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline to Germany, 71-Year-Old Man Shoots Back at Armed Robbers in Philly, Emptied His Gun During Shootout. I dont have a right to education, I have a right to pursue it. Well, its now that I look back. 3,056 Views. I know which ones didnt close. Its just now the assholes are. Well, Ill let you make those assessments yourself anyways, that is the Patriot Street Fighter Tomahawk. Background Report. And thats every. Douglas v. Gibbs comm slash books, Douglas v Gibbs comm slash books or you can just hit the books. They eventually say well, maybe maybe they didnt do that. I talked about Judy, Mike ovitz and again, being assaulted by another one of these King shit cops that show up to enforce illegal edicts on the citizens that have been perpetuated by all these political scumbags that are working for the Cabal powers. 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio with Scott McKay true conservative minutes 704 2,564 Views 2 0 Share Published on 23 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics So you know, if you want to call the police Go ahead, Im going to go shop until they get here. I started laughing. But I did see up close, and now from a distance over the years watching the people that run for these offices, how they do it, what their intentions are, and what truly are their qualifications in the vast majority that I see that theres no debate on this, theres not even an argument, you can have your own viewpoint. While in high school, Trevor began his broadcasting career in September of 1997. When they swing that camera, which they do very little at the crowd over the crowd of a Democratic National Convention. So I have decided based on the risk assessment in my life, not to wear what, thats what liberty is about. If you dont, well have you removed. The whole point is it begins with education, but it ends with action. Mario. Donald W Mckay. So thats two of the strategies that were employing out here. So I will say. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. scumbags outlet. Congress shall make no law shall not be violated, no soldier shall leave them alone, none of your business. With this murderous faction, we now just learned that the president of Tanzania who publicly outed these tests, these PCP tests of which theyve made trillions of dollars, the same test that they now are saying, openly, the corporates that they dont work, that they have to revise their numbers dont that dont work. And they know eventually they deny it so much eventually. Bingo. I cant anyway. Thats what the thinking now. Youre nobody you wouldnt get an audience and well talk to you. The strategies are a number of strategies that you can employ one of them that we are two of them that we are deploying here in Southern California, one of them is, is no mass clash mobs where, you know 40 people walk in a store without a mask where they get into, through all 40 out. I know that Liberty rises when bondage is on the doorstep. Yeah, you know why theyre frightened. This is what what they were thinking just 100 years ago, a little over 100 years ago. nevermind, thatll be a beating in a rabbit hole I dont have time for anyways, oddly, gates now claims that the simulation didnt occur. I think it was two weekends ago, I was in Under Armour. So of course I call the Veterans Administration. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* I think I mentioned here last week that we are in a state here in Texas where the governor for whatever reason decided he was going to pull back the reins on this insanity. And so I said okay, great. She doesnt speak English very well. The Crypt Rick and Jonathan Show. tyranny only thrives when good people stand by and do nothing, do absolutely nothing. But thats gonna be the case. On top of that, they got MRC five and all three of them which MRC five is and and this cracks me up that its this specific 14 week old Caucasian male, aborted fetal tissue. Brian Ruhe (603) 635-4946 . And so here we are. She had to kind of mask as a doctor, a research scientist, world renowned on a way to speak at a convention to 1000s of doctors about this very issue, wearing a mask. To mention this, I believe a week or two ago. link there or on my blog, political pistachio? They just become that faction and they go to work. You know, look, everybody looks relatively smart. Let me make this very clear. hard time on a job. In other words, pray about it, talk about it, write about it, gather about it, and be activists about it. You know, there you can donate to the cause if you like Im also a donor to revolution radio myself. I have no problem. So all these projects here, folks described how they would use this viral outbreak to bring this authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights or freedoms. And if youd like to do snail mail like my dad would do. 1:34:13 And you know what, if that window closes, guess what? And during those two weeks, he learned how to shoot. And then we have Article One, Section seven of the California State Constitution, which, interestingly enough, echoes the 14th amendment of the US Constitution. These people continue to morph. But looking back at history, well, lets just see what the future brings. On siding were gonna talk about this tonight were going to talk about how this milk toast King shit rent a cop pussy Santa Barbara airport police officer physically assaulted Judy Mike ovitz, Dr. Mike, its the one that torched Anthony Fauci and outed him. Who, who makes judgment on whats dangerous. 1:50:47 Thomas & Dagney. 1:31:00 And theyre sending out their hacks from law enforcement, who have never heard of Sheriff Mack that ever learned what their true responsibility is as a peace officer to protect and serve who the criminals, the mayors, the legislators, the people that issue these unlawful iidx which is unconstitutional. 4.14.21 Scott McKay's -The Tipping Point- on Revolution Radio. View Report. But I do have a right to pursue it. He was previously Managing Editor at the Coshocton Tribune, worked at the Athens Messenger, and began his career as a sports writer and editor before focusing on news. And, and I and so I said, Yeah, I dont I guess I was supposed by shield. The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling disinformation and misinformation by flooding the media with propaganda, quote, good information, imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti vaccination movement. I know. Theyre going to buckle Why? smokeymtnwoman. Theyre the people that are doing what theyre doing in Israel. Anyways, this kazarian bat these kazarian banking elites took over on 12 February 1912. So what they would do is a given vaccine new soldier and hed be sick for about two weeks, youll as a system, his immune system fight off that weakened version of the smallpox. fantastic, folks. I dont know the ownership is but one African getting kicked out all the I went over the winter a woman says Hey, excuse me, sir. 2.06.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once its ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join so better to join early). The only optimism that I have now is it this bullshit is going to end its going to come down because these scum sucking parasites in the ruling political elite class. They all had the, you know, they all had the same color suits. I was I was actually approached five times. Were not gonna check her out. I said, Yes. He says Well, sir, you need to wear a mask. Thats all the Constitution is doing. 8.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay "The Tipping Point" on Last Word of free market system. He goes. Thats what liberty is about assessing the risk, and then making your own decisions. And if thats what they refuse. Thats a comment here out here on the tipping point. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Trevor Griffith was a 1999 graduate of Ridgewood High School and the evening announcer for WTNS AM/FM radio stations. By 62, after two generations iE 50 years, with one child policy, China policy, the kazarian banking elites, I call them the mafia, had successfully intro infiltrated all the aspiring bloodlines and taken over the longest, longest standing dynastic society the planet has ever seen. SCOTT MCKAY ON THE TIPPING POINT ON REVOLUTION RADIO - UGETube Now look, Im not gonna Im not gonna tell all the people that you just have to, you know, put up a completely, you know, defensive front. Ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott McKay it is March 22 2021 you are listening to the tipping point on revolution radio Welcome to the show folks if youre brand new here you are in for the high octane full throttle truth hammer on all the deep state scumbag criminals all around the world. Look at the landscape of the nation. These scumbags work their way into government. These people dont care about the Constitution, they dont care about what you want. Donald is registered to vote . Thats where it is the California one. What are the actual written protections that we have to prove that Im right, that they dont have the power to do this? Published on 25 May 2021 / In News and Politics. Just lie, lie, lie, lie lie. went to work on them. revolution radio with scott mckay. Asking quote? Unquote. But were invested means they cant give it away. So Im going to walk through something here, I just want to read this to you. And Ive been argued with us, it will go, you know, the founders, they didnt see such a pandemic coming, they didnt, in 1775, they were hit with smallpox, in 1793, they were hit with the yellow fever, you dont beat these new this type of stuff will be coming, you know what happened in 1775, with smallpox hit, and then had a 10% mortality rate, they did have a vaccine, it was not mandatory for the average person, it was mandatory for those entering the militia. At the top, you will see a donate tab there where you can join the family of supporters for revolution radio, click that button on and make your donation you can also use the orange patron buttons, you can create a free Patreon account. And no, actually the way its worded. Have you noticed that the legislators arent passing laws regarding this? And I leaned up against one of the things though my wife, you know, she, she pushes a cart a little closer and the store manager turns to this. Let's Break the Censorship Together, Opt in and Spread the Word! So now youre going to bring the weaponry thats going to help us all understand of who really has the power here. And I draw my favorite. Welcome To Revolution Radio Khazarian Mafia Video Nuclear Video 11/12/20 Trevor was the go-to guy on the staff with any technical or personal needs. The anti vaccine movement was very strong. Therell be no surrender. Im partially disabled vet, and I call up the Veterans Administration and explain Hey, you know, I cant wear the face covering heres what happened and they so they set me up for an appointment because your VA so quick. 3 million on a planet turned into an adrenochrome factory. former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to flood the zone with propaganda from trusted sources, including influential community leaders as well as health workers unquote. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! We should have had four sides of every milk carton ever manufactured for the last 20 years loaded with kids. Patriot Streefighter, Scott McKay - Mobile Quick Connect But only so long. You know the places now youve got it down. We know who we are, we know in our gut what liberty is. And this was really the home folks of where it all started here on revolution radio. Those people are the ones that should be running for positions of influence. In the beginning, they tried to give me a hard time now I just waved my way out the door. So since some of these stores give a curbside, technically, according the ADA, they can discriminate against you for any disability reason, if they are willing to give you an alternative accommodation. Whats the statute number, there is not because the legislature is have not passed any laws regarding this, so they have no power of law. 1:35:27 1:05:20 This is the last bastion of freedom on Earth. And there are some businesses saying they still require I dont give a shit who requires it. Its just a reality. Maybe this is a time for us to showcase some cases where we are able to bring forward some bad actors and leave it before the course to decide whether you have actually spread some fake news. What are what are some of the books. Scott McKay Is An Accomplished Criminal Defense And Civil Litigation Attorney. You can imagine this microphone This must make a whole lot of noise, lean against his desk. I said here, you can have your shield back. I hope I pray that we have a peaceful revolution. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. I dont care. But they set a date that the 10th of March, people would not have to wear masks anymore. REVOLUTION RADIO: Scott McKay REVOLUTION RADIO explains what is going on 1871 and here we are Election 2020 now 2021 January 8th. They dont even care about it. Adequate alternative accommodation is I think the way its worded. I mean, from a visual appearance, me, and then and then the other guys that I hung around with, because Ive always respected intelligence. revolution radio podcast scott mckay They said, Well, what about when you come in and next time I said there wont be a next time. I was wearing seatbelts before it was the law because I had a crash and when I was younger, and wished Id have a seatbelt on. Right. They infiltrate the identity steal, they murder. take it for granted. Its called the First Amendment. Its all been by the executives, presidents, governors, mayors, so on and so forth. so be warned. So this is the thing. So you can call the police. You see how it is there? Its going to be delivered in a way, the day twos. I mean, what are the system around the world? And I have these people telling me now that theyre more frightened now than they were when they were in those times. Im walking out of the store. I have my own classes that Ive got for going on right now in Southern California. So in this Intel ugga Im going to read this to you in October 2019. Jeremy Scott will become News Director at . Because once you unleash the American citizen, the American patriot, especially our soldiers on US soil with their home and their family right behind them facing the enemy. Im not talking about violence. McKay Addresses the Establishment of FED, JF Kennedy, NSA, Rogue CIA, 16-year plan BO to HRC, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Q . Contact: 310.421.4053 Website: http://www.freedomslips.com Email: support@freedomslips.com Stations Revolution Radio Studio B Where Information Never Sleeps UP NEXT: 7pm Matrix Warriors: Jay Charles Parker 9pm Counterspeech 10pm The Decompression Hour 11pm Carrying Stones and Digging Holes: Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff See More Shows 42. Good night, everybody. I said, No, I dont Ive got a National Medical, well, you still have to have a mask. And after going through the constitution a couple times with me, she says, well, Doug, you really ticked me off. Well, you know, whats your general personal sense of what youre seeing? multinational corporations Rothschild Rockefeller, controlling central banking families, monarchies around the world are going or theyre being dealt with and theyre going to come down. They show that gates in team did indeed stimulate or simulate health and economic policies. Believe it or not, the Postal Service is so awesome that it took that letter to go across town from February 6 that arrived at the White House on March 6, the president of the Office of the Vice President signed for on the ninth thats when the clock started ticking that she has to respond if she doesnt respond within a certain amount of time.