C-SAFE=STAY C SAFE Around Fuck with them! A 15 year old Fremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt to be like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the Black Panthers. 13. 403 loc shorty where as stanley tookie williams, gimel barnes, and raymond washington. Also, Crip sets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. I am putting every bit I can find in this thread. Now this coming from a grown man and a CRIP BITCH, Dis gun z from s.c I need u to get at me so I can see if im all da way left and I got da rite history, What up cuz, let me give you young brothers the history of the Shot Gun Crops located in Gardena, In 1972 the Gardena Shot Gun Crops were formed by Bare Foot who met with Slaughter and other homeboys at the park located on 132st and Vaness. DA CRIP POEM It contained purportedly detailed inside knowledge of the mysterious, complex symbols, codes, and oaths of the Crips, that must be memorized in its entirety by hopeful Crip recruits. The Crip Label attached to any name means NOTHING. The Gardena Crip Card Have all Ways Been Nonfactors And the City Of L. A. 6. Independent By ourself The confusion ofCrips representing the Folks Nationalliance started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional CripBooks of Knowledge which consist of mixing Criphistory and Gangster Disciple history and literature (lit) together to form these fictional CripBooks of Knowledge. tHis Flicc Grve #Selos. Crip has every thing under His control cuzz, ever thing will c alright wit the crips, cuzz the true crips that bang wit the star of david, cuzz, Crip, is the God of israel, not nazi or allah, cuzz,.real Love, cuzz, & the wrath of God on all who say the 8 is fake they aint nuthin only devils, demons, & antichrist, beast, & the false profet. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. Each Cripset has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. For the cause Whats the cause? 4=Always SHOW YA LOVE IN YA STACC. Cards are smaller alliances of individual Crip gangs within the Crip alliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the whole Crip alliance. Deep Swole numbers 4-08-SALUTE YOUR CUZZ get yall shit straight. This page was last edited on 27 November 2011, at 14:35. 407 milk In retaliation, all non-crip gangs, including the Pirus, later formed an alliance that eventually became known as the Bloods. Established as protection from neighborhood street gangs. GROOVIN TIL THA MOTHAFUCCIN WOLD STOP MOVIN, Watts Wit It Loc The Grape Street Watts Crips (GSWC) are primarily an active African-American street gang located in the Jordan Down Housing Projects on the East Side in the Watts district of South Los Angeles, California.The Jordan Downs Housing Projects spread from Grape Street to 97th Street, between Alameda Street and 103rd Street.. The gangs under the Crip Alliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is worn proudly by all Crip members as a primary color. Twooo woooo Blue wooooo! He appointed myself Cool Crop and Dooley the leaders of the baby crops. SHOTGUN CRIP "NO GOOD" INTERVIEWShotgun Crip Talks Gang Bangin And Hood Life In Minneapolis - No Good#dustyvisiontv Hit the subscribe and notification (bell). INSANE GANGSTER CRIPS PREAMBLE 2 6 = IS FOR MY LOVE, N MY FOLLOWINGS. West Coast does not represent left or right, 1d-usnle Advice for becoming a gang investigator, 3a-usnle HISTORY - Four Eras of Gang History, 4e-usnle Structure and hierarchy of street gangs, 4f-usnle Increase in Female Gangs and Members, 4g-usnle Common Signs of Gang Involvement, 5a-usnle BECOMINIG A MEMBER - Recruitment, 6f-usnle Gang Acronyms and Associated Gang Names, 9a-usnle HYBRID GANGS - what is a Hybrid gang, 10a-usnle OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS (OMG) - History, 11a-usnle HATE AND EXTREMIST GROUPS - Intro to hate and extremist groups, 11c-usnle The Aryan Brotherhood Prison Gang, 12a-usnle GANG INTELLIGENCE - Everything Matters, 13a-usnle TRENDS TO ALWAYS WATCH - Trends to watch, 13c-usnle An Example of Mining for Information, REGISTER NOW TO BEGIN TRAINING FOR YOUR GANG SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION. Sweet Anything Easy cumin frm da WestSide of the A-town ! Cripsare known to mark their territories and all boundaries by the use of extreme wall banging. 6MM crip insane neighborhood crip gang east side 4 life all blue everything its a blue world project baby dis jig about his, 64.23 dat 6MM shit cuz bang with dat unknown 4 point crown whats yo 4 points of crip fool fear only God, cuzz, &, 2 fear the Lord iz the beginning of wisdom!!!!!!! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Revising History to Erase White Contributions to CivilRights, How multiracial, liberal societies harm blackfamilies. (Double O.G.)O.O.O.G. When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death. Slobkz die many times before their death, Crip never taste death but once Crip dont die we multiply, CRIP LIFE All it takes for an entire independent organization or gang to become a Cripset is the will to become Crips, meaning any gang can become a Cripset if it chooses to do so. (Triple O.G.). That is the reality of it. 14. These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. Bottom line- IF you got access to a computer to talk internet gangbangin. Looks like I rattled the overly sensitive, Insecure Monkeys Cage. 169-Set trippin c 4 L, I read all dis and bang it and got bit up gs and cs told me ur knowledge fake bullshit dat boy dont no shit about crip get off the internet, UK real bloods dont bang with the 5 and crip dont bang with 6 and we dont fuck with dat 8 ball shit it drop anyway gs dont fuck with it neither. Is a nonfactor allways has ben, cuh fucc nachos and the dead homies wess gargang 132139, 132 Shotgun outta Baltimore whats gunnin. They call it the "8 Ball" because of the shape you get when you merge the "C" hand sign of the Crips with the "Pitch Fork" hand sign of the Gangster Disciples, which is how they greet each other. #3.12 LoC^ C^life Or No Life fuCCs #fuccYouMean!! These fictional "Books of Knowledge" spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into the streets with wanna-be's taking these books seriously. Q = QUEEN 1, Wh3t2 craccin deuce sgc here nxrth mpls mn bkabky gin loc whats mxving, $ht gun native Gangsta crip $uth$ide mpl$ 61-deuce little earth prjectz! Fuck all black gangs we takeing over look around u spooks your hoods r being taken over by us sur13, Fuck chickens on SHTGUN yall aint doing shit, Taking over once the honkeys wake up and deport you wetback spic sewer rats America will be great again , Donald trump for pres in 2016 send all the sewer rats back to their shity country thats why they all break the law and Come here illegally all Mexicans are criminals you broke the law to get here fuck all sewer rats go back to your shity homeland, Wetback fuck G13 gardena is a dump is it takeing or taken dipshit black gangs dont recognize G13 non factors who dont leave gardena, Fucc sN0ts and sN00chies WS RR NH 90 Crip, Shotguns do not post nomore your hood. Theres absolutely nothing cool about being in a gang. BLACC GANSTA CITY Not all but most. All mobs under the Folks Nation represent to the right side and Crips / Hoover Criminals represent to the left which further shows that they are not related in any way, shape, or form. Then put an icepick through your neck. N 69, CRIP WAS STARTED. C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOES The Shotgun Crips are in Gardena, California and have been known to wear green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that they are from Gardena. Real gangmember dont tell you they gonna kill you. C-1= PICK UP, PICK UP All throughout the United States Crip hoods and Gangster Disciple hoods have linked up to form their own "8 balls" and in these hoods you will see both Crip and Gangster Disciple graffiti and gang culture. Each Crip set is its own individual gang and are known to have sub-clicks, blocks, or lines (line-ups) which are like smaller individual sets within the set. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffiti which shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffiti. He was otherwise a totally normal kid, very friendly, quiet, intelligent, seemed to make good grades but his dream was to be in this gang. 1. It started because the local crip gangs and folks mobs decided to unite under the 8 ball, which is what you get when you put the C hand sign and the Pitch Fork hand sign together. And oh yea your half black you honkey kike, LOL, My, My, Such a Nigger temper. Crips under the Gangster Card are known to wear Gray in addition to blue. Gang members in gangs under the Cripallainceare known as Locsand all Cripscall each other cuz (short for cousin) to signify that they see each other as family. Opposition Never show love to the opposition and aid set against opposition They later became obsessed with protecting themselves from the other non-crip alliance independent gangs in the community which began to increase violence and resistance towards the Crips. Other Crip cards include: Neighborhood Crips (NHC), Trays (Gangster Crips), Blocc Crips, Coasts, Deuces, and CC Riders. a. Most Cripsets wear blue. Fever ILL Crips with higher rank are respectfully referred to as "Big Homies" by Crips with lower rank. W/S SGC 132 WE IS DA 80z and 90z Compton/ Nkiggaz always poppin online about da set! 3.WHATS BEHIND THE SUN? (Original Gangster)O.O.G. S SHEEBA. First of all u talking about Jeffrey slater a.k.a.big slater them is real GS FROM THE GUN !! around these streets. in crip we trust and slo6 we 6ust . The "8 Ball" has been known to be "cracked" (cease fire dropped), leaving both gangs to fight a Bloody war for sole control of that hood, but these instances are very rare. Gardena Shotgun Crips & Paybacc Crips VS Other Crips & Bloods LOL, Verz gaNkg xutta Tulsa xk 57 verz HCG I fuk wit my Gunnaz SG+VERZIM CXXL XN DA PILLOW TALKING GAS, You better check your DNA. These ranks don't signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. Fatima, Pamela, and Sheba So he set about memorizing the hundreds of codes, phrases, and symbols with determination. This billboard was eventually taken down after a gang specialist identified the problem with this picture and reported it. 33= WEED WE SMOKE,MONEY WE MAKE,MURDER WE DO. The Crip alliance has significantly branched out of California and has spread throughout the majority of the United States. Eight Tray Gangster Crips 4-04-PUT IN WORK The Shotgun Crips are in Gardena, California and have been known to wear green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that they are from Gardena. This is because many independent organizations outside of California, and across the United States have also turned into Cripsets. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffittiwhich shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffitti. Tell David to led my way 5. What are all of your motives? WATS CRACCN CUZ3z^ CRIPPN SINCE DA 1st DAY, 520 0 va a ser IP to the day that I die Hoover crip into the world stop hoova groovin to the world stop movin a trace 7 who game crib oovoo criminal gangs Trey 14 for my crib nations you wanna f*** with me the f*** what the f*** what the slob and dont f*** with me this is BK all day pkkk 3 Ks my way Im a killer all the way the to 103 grape Street 52 Hoover Street I come from 5200 Regional thats me Im from Texas and Abilene. Niggaz must hate on us state 2 state damn!! white. Gang Terminology - Gang Enforcement They dont beef with real bloods r pirus just ptetenders come to watts inglewood compton south r west la they wont survive real hood talk, Gardena Crip Gang fucc all Super loc out busters slobk diru killa, Yxu sxunkd real dumbk cuz fym nxt real cripks? 8c-usnle Crips The gangs under the Crip Alliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is worn proudly by all Crip members as a primary color. Cards are smaller alliances of individualCripgangs within the Cripalliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the wholeCripalliance. Rival with the Bloods street gangs, but as of recent have worked together for financial gain. come from Abilene Texas to the day that I die on the f**c would I lie I got six point stars all over me just at a respectable follow no star I followed the third world because Im A f**c that Queen Shelby bitch I hate that bitch f****** 8 ball crap the f****** a ball on the pool table 2 and f*** rollin 60s is there some sissy ass n***** to in this is ace whiteboy what do you know about some fathers who rip and s*** oovoo grooving to the world stop movin community revolution In progress honor only Our violent assassin if thats love life loYa little wisdom knowledge understanding all of the understanding type s*** n**** f*** with your boy, man fuck dem slobs nigga whats crakkin my crips 2020 dem bloods, eastside gangsta crip all day whats crakkin il c right back. WATS CRACCN CUZ3z^, 107 UGC/ UNDER GROUND CRIP Alphabet- knowledge What is yxu a snkoopk im xff this thang smh yxu aint nx real cripk talking like dat. Dat dirty south real life shit real ni66as aint puttin none dey shit up here. M = MIND MONEY MURDER. Grape Street Watts Crips - unitedgangs.com 36=FOR THA KINGS N FATHERS THAT WATCH OVER US. Gang Terminology - Gang Enforcement. !, CBOB,SPARK,GHOST, SLEEP,BIG WIZ,LILWIZ,AN A HOST OF MANY MORE!! Get an internet college degree- gang banging aint done SHIT. The Cripalliance originated in the City of Los Angeles, California. A 6pt across my chest We stand by the folks nation as our own independent Crip set. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. That Kid dume but cant blain him for tryn im a 103rd grape street waatts crip gangsta and we go by word of history from cali and no ather place. N = NOW, NEVER. what do you do when you reach davids castle? Other Crip cards include: Neighborhood Crips (NHC), Trays (Gangster Crips), Blocc Crips, Coasts, Deuces, and CC Riders. Involved in narcotics trafficking, legitimate businesses and the music industry. and Locs, were da 307 underworld mafia crips at or 307 mafia crips, whass craccin loc 823GSC C-51 for life fool 6anging g-stone 6ust a slob wattsh hiS faVorite color dRip, Were my 307 underworld mafiaoso crips at.OOG CNUT on donna street, Let it rain let it flood..let a crip killa blood, Did. The West Side (W/S) Gardena Shotgun Crips (SGCs) are a large and long standing primarily African-American street gang established in the 1970s in the western district of Gardena, California. her kids? Their rivals include the Hawthorne Piru, the West Side Pirus and the Athens Park Bloods among the Bloods. 20. all day cuzz fuck dem bitch as busta ass slobs, CRIPPPPPPP cuz IGC what im rollin fucc them dead azz ni66a. . Look at Venus hand. Athens park bloods kept them in checc real shit, All you cali niggas gazi come to south Florida and see how we rocking, put its in checc how> nigga fucc pies and they dead loks fucc outta here didnt yall just loose a homies like 2 months ago, cool crip west up cuH? Dump it, and it becomes fish food. yall niggas goofies 21st aint gangster shit them niggas str8 Insane Crips and you fakke ass crips chill with banging the Folkks star, 210 wit a s on tha end. The Godfather Barnes, Raymond Cook, Ecky, Michael Christianson, Michael Shaft Concepcion, Mack Thomas and No 1. D. None of the above, Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose: But I will always scr3am 21st baby insan3 crips, fucc u slo6 6itch ass nigga 823GSC free my nigga 6o66y Shmurda gs9 c-51 for life fool, blood for life fuck you crabs blat blat blat blat blat, CRRRRRRIPK 6 popping 5 dropping 6k til my casket drop 6 alive 5 must die, Nicca Fucc yo 8s We 60s Neigh60rh00d CuZz. ALL CRIPS GO TO HEAVEN When Buddha died, Tookiemade blue the Cripcolor in honor of his death. The females BAC will likely be higher Money Macc Murder nigga bK all day. GO to the park at 132nd and Van Ness- its a CLEAN ,SAFE well lit place where old ladies walk and little kids shoot basket ball- If. Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. This is because many independent organizations outside of California and across the United States have also decided to be sanctioned into the Crip alliance. Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington created the Crips alliance with the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. I did meet Rookie in Griffith Park in either 73 or 74, keep it blue and if any of the bangers are around and read this blob give me a shootout. Aye shotgun you forgot to X a few Owes at da botoom of your rant.. Fuccin goofy. 38=FOR THA CRIP HOODS. H = HELL ( none of these CLOWN CLIQUES go East into Compton- an instant DEATH sentence, and these sure as hell do not go to the nprth east near Athens Park Bloods- CleBone Sloans homies would roll em up !!!). And half of them is skinny jean wearinfg. Crip Nation What's under your bed? 11=Always HAVE A FLAG On U. aint nothin 6ut a c thang . WE STAND STRONG FROM FROM DA NORTH, TO DA SOUTH, EAST TO DA WEST, TO MY NEST, I WILL DO MY BEST. hoovers son aka peter paul, david and sheebas daughter pamela. The confusion of Crips representing the Folks Nation's 6 point star started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional "Crip Books of Knowledge" which consist of mixing Crip history and Folks Nation history, symbols, and literature (lit) together. TO I LAY, IN MY NEST, BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. 31=IS THA TIME U WILL KILL. Im gonna staccem like Peter Paul, by staccin high an tall A lot of people believe the name came to existancebecause of a spelling error. 22=Always HELP A BROTHER IN NEED. Hit cuz cuz 706 244 1197 I want to get down with the crip cuz, P8C IN THIS ITCH MUCH LOVE TO ALL REAL LOCS MAN PPL STILL DOING SHIT WRONG THO, 6 up on top 5 on da ground whats craccin locs, Whats craccin cuzz Acacia Blocc crip in this bkitch 6 up on top 5 on da ground, Watts craccin loccs bkodymore murdaland gsc 103rd watts dustown crip, Where my Acacia Blocc crips at fucc wit me, Acacia blocc crip whats craccin add me on my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/rodroyalblue, 52 hoova crip rep hard in austin i go by cali rules ebk c-life or no life u dnt lixe it we cn loox at it, O^riginal Street Thugsta Crippin , 3z^ Craccen bz Draggen Tiny Locs run The City where im @, 103 grape street crips, Newark NJ C^.V.G^ cuzz, Im legit. Str8t like that 6pop 5 drop let it rain let it drip, Real Shit Loc On some real I need knowledge Im from Detroit and my big homie ten Trey and C me in but he went to jail some shit happen with his brother and some locs out in Cali so he flopped and went VL almighty leaving me to stand rep the Land Alone Wtd idk hit me on Facebook JoyBoy dmoney-mgm or the gram joyboymoneyd, Wats poppin loc Im from detroit too, go add me Bobby6kane cuz, WvTtS upK baby lC 103 GrvpK3 ST. CripK or donT bKanG WeST upK T1ll my veST upK weST or di3 Gz upK nd Cz upK to all da Grvpk3 h0m1eS 0uT th3re all cid3S GrappKN CLATTT, WvTtS upK Cuzz wvtts dat purpl3 lik3 WbLC, yo loC i need my knowledge my big homie got bagged n never gave me my pkapker work email me @MrleaveitTothaStr33ts@gmail.com, mane yall i lovee dah crips my baby rico and my brother terry in it and dey banq dey shyt with noo ?s askd i love cz let it rain let it drip yhu ah slobk or ah crip bust ah slobk in his lipk watch dhet lame watch his favorite color drip, Neighborhood mac craccin loc pine bluff Arkansas RSC R.I.P.BIG HOMIE NIP THE MARATHON CONTINUES, LET IT RAIN LET IT DRIP ALL CRIP I SUCK DICK JPN LET IT RAIN LET IT DRIP ALL CRIPS ARE THE BEST ILY GUYSX. Think niggas. Cool Crip/72, Wuz craccin cool crip dis Gun Z frum S.c ill like tx get at yxuword grt at me a.c. Sheba real name?Wendy Jenkins The reason many Crips and other gang members choose to communicate with each other on TheHoodUp.comover other sites is because of the ability to remaincompletely anonymous and avoid being tracced by the internet-police while being able to communicate with other gang members from around the world. (Baby Gangster)O.G. 29=NEVER SHOW Pity TO A ENEMY. He started his own gang called the Westside Crips. The Crip alliance originated in Los Angeles, California. @ cool crip your talking about Slater not slaughter so your right on some of the things about elsegundo crips aka escopeta aka shotguns dooley a gee hair bear also, Lets be real nobody will walk into the shotguns neighborhood talking that shit just like they wont walk into your neighborhood talking that shit and thats bottom line its easy to come on here and run off at the mouth from the computer especially when the new says anonymous , Shot gun and payback are not considered real hood look where u goofs r at never had to deal with compton south central long beach watts gangs real talk gardena is a non factor city, Ask a real crip or bloods is shotguns real crop and have always been active always real gee shit some of the Compton watts and los angeles gangs cant duck with long beach too keep that shot 100 you fake as banger, cuh us gundena niggas dont beef with niggas in compton fucc you talking about bitch cuhs and further more GARRRRGANG bitch .. and we beef with niggas in the l.a area fucc are you tlking bout bitch know your history before you start internet banging. The Cripsare an alliance ofindividualstreet gangs known as sets. WARLOCK!!! C-50=SO HEAT a C. You spic honkey faggot go suck a dick you gay tranny and your mother loves BBC. 32=FOR DA LOVE THA STAR WILL SHOW. The vocabulary can be extensive and confusing. nigga we dont fucc wit knappy heads, slobks, Fucc 8ball n six n jive niggas false calming get faded on r90lln, Yx Cuhz $cri63 wit meh My H3art H3avy LxC, Whats Craccin cuz..43 Gangsta Crip till da cascet drop. ALWAYS C-RIP. 4 X CripK foe lyfe, Wass Craccin cuzz, rollin 60s neigcorhood crip till I die cuzz, rollin NayK66orHood ca-ripp catch a slo6 bust a slo6 watssh his faVorite color drip watss craccin cus King Hoover Duece Duece c-51 for life fool, 12+ r60c rollin NayK66orHood c-rip wass craccin suzz stay locced out c-walkin that yellow 6ricc road. Contrary to popular belief, real Crips are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance, they are part of the Cripsalliance. Place 2 guages at my sides When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death. all slobz die, & the leader of de slobz satan, de false prophet, de beast, & all demonz will burn with torment, & pain nashing they evil teeth, cuzz, Im a 8ball gangsta crip, also, hoova bible crip, cuzz, 856 mafia crip, cuzz, arch angel michael, jesus christ, c life, cuzz! Each Crip set is its own individual gang and are known to have sub-clicks, blocks, or lines (line-ups) which are like smaller individual sets within the set. 4.WHATS UNDER YOUR BKED?A SHOT GUN 2 STRIPS OF BACON A CAN OF SLOBK AND A RED FLAG This one should help you to solve problems with defective or deformed shotshells, and make your crimps better.Part of a series of videos on shotshell reloadi. If we are dumb niggers so are you and the first ancestors. These fictional "Books of Knowledge" spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into the streets with wanna-be's taking these books seriously. I hope you niggas dont fuck like you gangbang, cuz I would hate to be your old lady. Territorial will war with other Crip sets. 4-05-STRAPPED take 6 steps up stacc your set stacc who you are stacc a C throw down a b, say thank you mother now i rest in your arms, Knowledge room aka the silver room of the castle, staccin high and tall screaming peter paul til i fall. 17. 18=CRIP WILL NOT ACCEPT Disrespect Gardena Shotgun Crips. 2000 DEAD SLOB, Crescent moon equals truth, wisdom, and Knowing of GOD 8 Ball till I fall nigga. The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. She is throwing up the C, which is the hand sign for Crip. Man. 15=NEVA SNITCH ON A CRIP The "8 ball" cease-fire agreement may have sparked the idea for someone to create the fictional internet "Crip Book of Knowledge". Contrary to popular belief, real Crips do not represent any 6 point star and are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance. Many Cripgang members can be found on TheHoodUp.com, which is a notorious virtual gathering-place for many other gangs as well. Some of the other original founding fathers of the crips were Angelo "Barefoot Pookie" White, Melvin Hardy, Bennie Simpson, Greg Batman Davis, and Jimel. Their territory stretches from E. Vermont Ave and W. Crenshaw Blvd, they consist of three cliques: 132nd street; The Deuce, The Foe, 134th street; The Foe, and 139th street; The Nine. That cease firewas very brief and the 8 Ball has been cracced(cease firedropped), but that cease-fire agreement may have been what sparked the idea of creating these fictional internet CripBooks of Knowledge.