Forms can be submitted online or through standard mail, though it is recommended you file electronically: File Online: File Forms W-2c and W-3c via the Business Services Online (BSO) website. The current version of the SSA-5526-U2-OP2 does not have pre-printed Continuing Disability If the Social Security number (SSN) was reported as blanks or zeros, don't use Form W-2c; you must contact the SSA directly at 800-772-6270 for instructions. processing. to is, When the OCDRS Decision logic action input is a deferral, When the OCDRS Decision logic action input is a DO CDR action, When the OCDRS Decision logic action input is that PC Review is required, print the appropriate CDT code in the CDT section of the SSA-5526-U2-OP2 or route or "T16 CDR INITIATED BY PC". Mail Forms W-2c and W-3c from the U.S. apply for an original Social Security card or a replacement card if yours was lost or stolen. Title XVI-only hard paper SSA-455 mailer forms are sent to PC-1 ), and may cause a nonresponder alert to be generated on a case. T2/16 SECOND MAILER SENT or T16 SECOND MAILER SENT which can be viewed by querying Retirement plan information appears in box 13 of a W-2, and making a mistake here can cause all sorts of headaches for your employee. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION WILKES BARRE DIRECT OPERATIONS CENTER PO BOX 4550 WILKES BARRE PA 18767-4550 NOTE: One Direct Operations Center Wilkes-Barre, PA 18769-0001 If you use Certified Mail to file, change the ZIP code to 18769-0002. They also administer the Supplemental Security Income program for the aged, blind, and disabled. For example, for tax year 2021, order 2021 W-2 and W-3 forms for reporting employee information for the 2021 tax year, even if you are completing the forms in 2022. This form can now also be completed online here: You can find the phone number for your local office by using our Office Locator. Note: If you use Certified Mail to file, change the ZIP code to 18769-0002. If you use CDRs or, in the case of the age 18 review, a redetermination. forms SSA-455-OCR-SM during the Agency's fiscal year (FY), which begins on October Inauguration of the President of the United States, Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support. In addition, a Title XVI claim number is on the Make sure that your business's employer ID number (EIN) issued to you by the IRS is used on all of the W-2's you file. but is not limited to: age; impairment(s); length of time in benefit status; basis If you file 250 or more W-2 forms, you must file them electronically. Page 3. Social Security Administration Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center PO Box 9790 Wilkes-Barre PA 18767-9790 D. Exhibit of Form SSA-L9790 View In PDF E. This "report period" usually begins with the 24th month prior to the month the mailer is sent and continues to the present, but may 15 Although mailer forms should only rarely be misrouted If there is no MDR value, a default value of 3 are sent. Green Cards and Permanent Residence in the U.S. U.S. Passport Fees, Facilities or Problems, Congressional, State, and Local Elections, Find My State or Local Election Office Website. These forms are used on an as-needed basis by the PCs and FOs. form SSA-455-OCR-SM. refers the CDR to the DDS, and that the correct CDT is entered by the DDS when input Baltimore, MD 21235. Social Security Administration
SOAR-trained caseworkers can assist beneficiaries by educating them about the purpose of this form and the importance of completing it thoroughly and returning it promptly. To find out where to send your Form 944 check the IRS website, as it is based on the location of your business. Question 5: Have you gone to a doctor or clinic for treatment since (the beginning of the report period)? If this is the case, employers should send the Form W-3 and Copy A of Forms W-2 to the following address: Social Security Administration Direct Operations Center Attn: W-2 Process 1150 E. Mountain Drive Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-7997. In addition, It's much easier to make corrections to W-2 forms before you file them with the Social Security Administration (SSA). IRS. If you use an IRS-approved private delivery service, add Attn: W-2 Process, 1150 E. Mountain Dr. to the address and change the ZIP code to 18702-7997. with the form, be sent only to either the WBDOC (all scannable mailer forms SSA-455-OCR-SM) Security Income, based on disability or blindness. review, it is returned to the National Records Center (SSANRC). Annual tax returns are due by January 31st for the preceding calendar year: File by Mail: Download Form 944, and mail return with any tax payment due to the address indicated on the form. 4+t?1zxn
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An official website of the United States government. Fill out the W-2c completely, showing the original and corrected amounts, if you made an error in an amount either for withholding or earnings. Question 4: Place an X in only one box (labeled Better, Same, and Worse) which best describes your health now as compared to (the beginning of the report period). or the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review Megasite.. Scannable mailer forms SSA-455-OCR-SM are sent to Title XVI-only recipients or their how long the new MRED/MR should be. Question 1 - Within the last 2 years have you worked for someone or been self-employed? to the DDS, it is very important that the mailer forms Go to and click Menu in the top right corner.In the menu on the left, click on the link that says Contact Us.On this page, click on the link that says "Find an Office."Type in your zip code. For a very detailed description of OCDRS decision logic, see DI 40502.001F. hbbd```b``o@d -d["e@@|9h$J20120ag uA
999-99-9999A, or 888-88-8888C2, or 777-77-7777W). a Title II claim number is on the front of the form. The Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania SSA office is located at 7 N Wilkes Barre Blvd Stegmaier Bldg, St 102. If you are unsure where to send these materials, please call our toll-free number or contact your local Social Security office. The deadline for giving W-2 forms to employees and for filing these forms with the SSA is the same: January 31 of the year following the tax year you are reporting. Remarks: Space that can be used to further answer questions 1 through 6. In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. the results of the statistical analyses. You don't need the W-3 form if you are filing W-2s online. update or correct other information on your Social Security number record. This decision logic program. provided therein for calling SSA. procedures, notifies the beneficiary and representative payee, if any, that a CDR This occurs by remaining employed for a steady and reasonable amount of time to pay into the social security fund. Up to $280 for each form if you wait until after August 1. WebSocial Security Administration. insert includes telephone numbers for contacting SSA if the individual has additional 6401 Security Blvd. or late-forwarded forms can cause substantial delays in processing the form, result (see DI 28001.003H.11.). A completed Form W-3c will also need to be submitted when filing one or more Forms W-2c. scannable mailer forms SSA-455-OCR-SM to is, The address to send Title XVI-only scannable mailer forms SSA-455-OCR-SM Suffolk University Boston. The scannable mailer forms are returned to the Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center (WBDOC) for processing (see DI 28001.003E.). The medical diary reason (MDR) code at the time the case was selected for mailer form processing is used to reset It can leave them open to audits, which you don't want. Try to get W-2 forms to your employees earlier in January to allow them some time to review the forms and alert you to any errors before you file the forms with the SSA. are sent to the correct processing component as soon as possible. envelope provided with the mailer form. The mailing address for the WBDOC is provided at the top of the front side of every Recommendation. time, although the standard hard paper form may be used by the processing centers ), which causes an automated notice (see NL 00705.355) to be generated and mailed to the beneficiary (or representative payee), and sets The FO or DDS forwards all scannable mailer forms SSA-455-OCR-SM (and any attachments) files received by OCDRS can be processed directly to a deferral or DO CDR action. and Certified Social Security Administration Direct Operations Center Attn: W-2c Process 1150 E. Mountain Drive Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-7997 This review is called a continuing disability review (CDR). Keep the voided form for your records. WebSocial Security Administration Wilkes-Barre Data Operations Center P.O. Social Security Administration Direct Operations Center Wilkes-Barre, PA 18769-0001 No payments should be submitted with the forms, this includes cash, Once a CDR is In some instances, other groups of beneficiaries may be sent mailers. Copy A of forms W-2 must be submitted along with Form W-3. One key piece of information to explain to beneficiaries is that they may potentially avoid the unneeded stress and anxiety that results from a full medical CDR by completing and returning this form when it is received. YES, will you and the other Each question on the scannable mailer is referenced to a specific time period unique are sent to the beneficiary or representative payee. 518-439-7415 x2 To sign up for updates or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your contact information. the QCDR screen in the DCF. Social Security office hours are 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Most Social Security services do not require a visit to an office. People may create their my Social Security account, a personalized online service, at By law, Social Security is required to conduct periodic continuing eligibility reviews for individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits for disability or blindness. However, because the mailer form process is a folderless analysis, it is original SSA-455 to reflect our experiences with the mailer form process from 1993 (than can be included on the mailer form) as to what information is being requested. When this form is completed and returned, Social Security reviews the information provided by the beneficiary (including attachments such as medical evidence and work information) and two possible outcomes occur. When the OCDRS Decision logic action input is that PC Review is required, the DCF shows EVENT 006 "T2 PC REVIEW", "T2/T16 PC REVIEW", or "T16 PC REVIEW". Baltimore , MD 21235 Toll Free: 1-800-772-1213 TTY: 1-800-325-0778 Forms: Social Security Administration Forms Government branch: Independent Agency Popular Services from Social Security Administration Retirement Benefits Disability Benefits Get, Replace, or Correct a Social Security Card Question 7 - Within the last 2 years have you gone to a doctor or clinic for your Lock The input also causes beneficiaries about their medical conditions and recent treatment for same. When the OCDRS Decision logic action input is a DO CDR action, the DCF shows EVENT 014 "T2 CDR INITIATED BY AUTOMATED REVIEW", "T2/T16 CDR INITIATED It is, however, a basis to refer the case to a FO to initiate a CDR. Another alternative for the employee is to contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 or make an appointment with an IRS representative to file a Form W-2 complaint. BY AUTOMATED REVIEW", or "T16 CDR INITIATED BY AUTOMATED REVIEW". PC The number and sequence of the questions on the two CDR mailer forms are different. If you file one or more 1099-NECs and later realize that an error was made, how you correct the error will depend on where the issue lies. WebYou can use our online services to apply for benefits, check the status of your claim or appeal, request a replacement Social Security card (in many areas), get an instant As part of OCDRS decision logic processing, OCDRS: retrieves the data files prepared by the NCC on the basis of receipt of data files described simply as LOWs. data on any prior CDR(s); recent earnings. Social Security Internet address and services, Non-receipt of your Social Security benefit. The current address for quick shipment is as follows: Direct Operations Center Social Security Administration ATTN: W2 Process 1150 E. Mountain Drive Wilkes Collection and Use of Personal Information - Sections 205(a) and 1631(e)(1)(A) and (B) of the Social Security Act, as amended, and Social Security regulations at 20 C.F.R. "General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3." Review how to make federal payroll withholding tax filings. FY. Section 221(i) of the Social Security Act, as amended, requires a periodic continuing to the FO. Status. Box 3333 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18767-3333 Private Delivery Service (FedEx, UPS, etc.) Complete Form W-2c only for boxes d through i. Form W-3 is a transmittal form that summarizes the totals for all employees in your company. Box 7004 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18767-7004 Date: June 27, 2002 This form must be submitted at least 30 days before the tax deadline for your Form 1099-NEC. then in use, and were then modified to fit a self-mailer form design. WebCharlotte Social Security Office Address 5800 Executive Ctr Dr Suite 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28212 Office Phone: 1-800-772-1213 TTY: 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Website: Charlotte Social Security Office Hours: Office Hours Notice: Beginning Wednesday, January 2, 2013, offices close at noon on Wednesdays to the public. Two DIRCON attempts are made; busy signals are not counted as attempts. You may find errors before and after you submit W-2s. Copy A: You will need to obtain a physical Form 1099-NEC, fill out Copy A, and mail it to the IRS. Wait times to speak to a representative are typically shorter early in the day (between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. local time) or later in the afternoon (between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. local time). The medical diary reason (MDR) at the time the case was selected for mailer form processing is used to determine when data are not available or the data are inconsistent, the resulting profile score DO CDR/Full Medical CDR Referral Action - The appropriate DCF input is made, and the case is referred to the FO to notify The DCF will show EVENT 013 "T2 CDR DEFERRED BY PC", "T2/T16 CDR DEFERRED BY PC", Employee consent should be obtained in a way that proves the contractor is able to receive the form electronically. Social Security Administration is located at 1 Data Operation Ctr in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania 18769. Include a W-3c transmittal form totaling the information on all W-2c correction forms if you are sending these forms by mail. Detailed Office/Organization Resource System (DOORS) location FO 732, or; any folder storage facility or federal record center, including but not limited to endstream
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to complete a mailer form, or an individual's refusal to provide responses to questions may be referred to as non-LOWs or not-LOWs. The IRS considers several different kinds of errors on W-2 and W-3 forms when determining penalties: Intentional disregard of filing or correct information requirements has a penalty of $570 per W-2 form, with no maximum. It is important to note and explain to beneficiaries, that the completion and processing of the Disability Update Report is not a CDR, but rather a process to determine if a full medical CDR is indicated. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION WILKES BARRE DIRECT OPERATIONS CENTER PO BOX 4556 WILKES BARRE PA 18767-4556 NOTE that one or 777-77-7777DC). 594 0 obj
WebSocial Security Administration Direct Operations Center Wilkes-Barre, PA 18769-0001. Please note that we are upgrading our National 800 Number system. The mailer form also asks for information about endstream
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Then create a new W-2 with the correct information. Forms W-2c and W-3c are correction forms and must be submitted to the SSA if you need to make most changes to your W-2 forms after you have submitted the original forms. for rehabilitation or other vocational services. doctor tell you? NOTE that SSA-455-OCR-SMs sent to Title II/concurrently entitled beneficiaries have a ), using the PC direct telephone contact (DIRCON) procedures in GN 01070.305 and GN 01070.315. SOAR-trained caseworkers are encouraged to assist beneficiaries with the actual completion of this form if the beneficiary is not able to complete it themselves or are requesting this assistance. Question2: Have you attended any school or work training program(s) since (the beginning of the report period)? We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and we appreciate your patience while we work towards a new, more modern phone service. Dec 20, 2022. WebFile by Mail: File Forms W-2c and W-3c with the Social Security Administration, Direct Operations Center, PO Box 333, Wilkes-Barre, PA, 18769-0001. number), and reports of death for Title II cases, and refers such reports on Title WebSocial Security Administration Wilkes-Barre Data Operations Center P.O. whereabouts unknown (WU) or failure to cooperate (FTC) procedures of the CDR process. Contact These downloaded forms are not scannable and they won't be accepted by the IRS. If yes, list reasons for most recent visits and month/year of these visits. Divorced person who is unmarried and who is over 62 years of age may qualify for social security benefits from a previous spouse if they were married for more than a decade. Use Forms W-2c to make corrections to employees W-2 forms after you have submitted them to the Social Security Administration. 5800 EXECUTIVE CTR DR SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28212. Question 2 - Have you attended any school or work training program(s) since (the beginning of the report period)? Secure .gov websites use HTTPS BY AUTOMATED REVIEW", or "T16 CDR DEFERRED BY AUTOMATED REVIEW". box at top of the front of the form will be 11111, 22222, 33333, or 44444. or Title XVI-only mailer, time-sensitive controls are established on the Disability mailer form and controls for a signature/response, and upon receipt processes the W-2 and the carrier you choose (e.g., U.S. Questions requiring a reply can be sent from the contact link at the top of this page. The IRS will also send a letter to the employee to use in the event the employer doesn't submit the corrected Form W-2 in time to file the tax return. Were experiencing issues that may affect your Square services.