I attracted those people in my relationship. I dont feel he doesnt love me enough. and my northnode conjuct on his jupiter and saturn on my 2nd house. I am so swamped with feelings for him all the time, am pretty much obsessed, really, but there are no real connections between us except for in the air. lol He also has his Mercury conjuncting my Sun in the 8th house and his Venus conjuncts my Venus as well as his Mars conjuncts my Mars. Negatively, the planet person can use any of these fears as a way to control them, manipulate them or to use against them in some way. Venus Synastry: 12th House Overlay in Astrology - ASTROFIX This is the area of life devoted to spirituality, imagination, confining institutions, and secret enemies, the hidden side of life; in synastry, the impact of one person's planets on another's 12th House indicates the manner in which they affect their spiritual experience and either promote or retard the other's own self-undoing. Also, my sun/venus are in his 10th, moon in his 5th, mars in his 4th. He scares me sometimes because he has a violent tendency and I think he activated my 12th house because all of a sudden Im afraid to be with him for the rest of my life even though I know we were made for each other. , Hey I would like to know more about the 12th house synastry I have my bfs Venus Jupiter and I think another place landing in my 12th house but my sun sign, Mercury, and Jupiter are all in the 12th house so idk if that has a lot to do with why its so easy to connect with him because I read and obsessed over a secret relationship but its way out in the open all over social media on both side and his family knows all about me and my family knows all about him Im just so confused like yea sometimes Im thinking hes not telling me all his feelings but I feel like I know him on a deep level and then I feel like I dont like he seems too good to be true it makes me automatically not want to trust him .. hmmm. The Sun person sees in the 11th house person someone, who they can spend pleasant time with. My daughter and i also have gemini mercury and my baby girl also has venus in gemini. Yes gifts can be found, but contrarily mental illness, sexual issues, drugs and alchohol issues, you name it it's all here too. In this case, the partner will have different tastes. My 12th house Saturn conjunct his NN and His Chiron and Saturn conjunct my NN. what a selfish!so far i have involved in guys where my venus lied in their twelve house, it was love but felt like hidden agenda, holly crap! His Venus and Jupiter fall in my 9th house. Years ago i was dating someone whom i had the same aspect with. The subconscious is full of stuff that we don't even know about, not consciously anyway but our dreams often show us what's in here. Does this mean that the love is just hidden, or doesn't really exsist at all and it's all in my imagination? This is a very private house, and it holds all of our self conscious fears, most of the time we don't like this house activated especially if this is a person that will use this against us.If the Mars person is selfish and self-serving, he or she may use their knowledge of your bad habits, blind spots and personality weaknesses to manipulate or hurt you. There will defo be issues and concerns regarding faithlessness, as Gemini males are often butterflies flitting from flower to flower chasing that honey, lol!!! I don't expect him to pour his heart out every second. My ex-12th Houser has Venus/Cancer which made it difficult for him to open up, unless it was totally on HIS terms. 12th House Synastry - Sasstrology.com Maybe we should all listen to our inner voices; intuitively we always KNOW who is bad or good. Sigh.. Venus determines the way you approach relationships, romance, and love. someone's venus in my 12th, feel unconditional/boundless love for him. Oh . It's probably love bordering on obsession. Hello Everyone,I can relate to alot of the post that I've read. so we didnt mentioned it untill the last month, i couldnt stand it anymore, and i wanted clairity, if he ever had felt for me. Tabitha has Venus in 12th House Pisces. I would also like to know more about 12th house synastry, as I have my venus, mars and jupiter in someone's 12th house (he has no planets in there). ------------------Air woman. Your relationship usually starts out as a friendship or as "good friends". It's strange that i always dream about him. It's like the cuddling is saved for when the other really needs it. He was drinking often(neptune) and because of this we had frequent conflicts(square to venus). I think we are a bit obsessive about each other although he seemed to be feeling it the worst. I dont think I can give a uniform answer as to how planets behave in the other persons 12th house. But I guess with the 12th house influence I may never know. This has been a dormant thread for some time but I couldn't help but post in my 2-bits on a relationship with 12th Venus. I don't mind though. It was a weird sort of dance, attract/ repulse. I am the 12th house person. Their is so much fear between us. Just not every second. Please see special article on The 12th house synastry along with Neptune Moon Aspects for the descriptions will explain in greater detail. Double whammies. You will also find you share many of the same values, interests, and likes. Although this house offers both our soul mate or our enemy, along with our fears, phobias, and those things we that we do that undermine our happiness. No idea if I appear in his?! And there is a very strong square between his Mars and my own, which creates a lot of stress between us at times, and his Saturn is square my Venus. Hi Aida, very interesting what you say.. Well you know, Neptune rules the 12th house, which is idealization, so in a sense these people will appear to be our ideal! Uck. ouch ouch! You WILL find an emotionally available, decent man if you dont settle on lesser models. I think that aspect makes you see what you want to see in the other person, but not what is actually there. When someone's planet (s) fall in your twelfth house, you might feel somewhat unsettled, and you might find that your partner finds you somewhat elusive as well. Venus in 12th House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart I dont know despite how he treats me I just always want to help him and at the time I thought if needing space was what would help him fine but I can never seem to tell him that. If he truely loves you, he will sooner or later find his way back to you. My sun, mercury, Venus and Jupiter conjunct his Pluto in the 12th. Are they always honest to each other when 12 house is involved? There are two zodiac signs associated with Venus in astrology. At least I know now that I'm not the only one spilling my water in the 12th house, lol. Without remorse, without emotional pain, without what ifs. November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27 5 Comments. Posts: 45239From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, He tries to act like he's not the jealous type but he is. He has sun conjunct saturn and he also has it with me in synastry as well as my daughter. An Unaspected Venus in synastry has a different slant. On a very genera Don't forget to check out your monthly love horoscopes ! and it was unreal and he sat down at our table and I felt like my entire body was on fire. This is because there are endless ways these things can play. I have Jupiter sun and mars in his 12th house in cancer and I really hope I didnt hurt him. The Venus person will like the way you conduct yourself, your . Because people that are confident don't usually like to point out other's weakness's or make them feel bad. The 12th house has a reputation for being connected with the hidden and unseen realms that operate behind the scenes in our lives. Pisces is the sign without boundaries. I've actually read that in terms of unrequited love, the Venus person tends to love the 12th house person, but the house person can't return the love because the Venus person doesn't express their love clearly when in the 12th, and that love isn't recognized in order to to be returned. During the night I could feel his eyes, some times resting on me. that is my unrecognized trait of doing and having doubles 2 of this, 2 of that 2 of the same clothes articles, 2 of the same type of lifestyles, apartments . But I ve never felt what I have felt for this other guy..and still sometimes feel. Long story short, we both loved each other but it didn't work out for various reasons (I suspect fear and insecurity was the main issue - karmic connection). It's often the downfall of many relationships with planets here. we are creepy to them, but cant seem to let us go. He does remind me of a father figure in a way. It's like they can talk about everythng and anything and often don't even realize it. Okay, this advice is not even remotely astrological, but take it from a person who dated a lot, and always with an intention to settle in a committed relationship. We work well together and it is always professional. I can feel him there within me and he seems to be aware of things that I dont want him to be eg. and NO MORE 12TH HOUSE PARTNERS FOR ME!! He showed me where to go, was a teacher to me, yet he said I was too young for him and that was only thing that in his opinion is stop to a relationship of a serious kind. He left few weeks after we met for a travel for six months. This is especially true if that person's Venus is conjunct your ascendant (the more tightly conjunct, the stronger the attraction). In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. I am fascinated by them, and the love I feel is otherworldly. http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29420, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14081. He makes me breakdown so many barriers. The feeling that I am the only one dealing with the 12th house issues is so painful. In synastry, composite, transits, solar returns.always the bringing the worst. Ya, I think we both feel a very strange draw to the other. I no longer see our reflection of each other I only see himself popping up in my mind here and there, but he now seems dark, untrustworthy, and truly not worth my time. For example, my first ex BF married to the woman, who was his course mate. Its completely one sided, I have no hope. We've been seeing each other for over a month now. I can feel his worries and I always know what to say. We also share moon Conj Mars, moon and Pluto Conj & trine. Just count your blessings for the dance you experienced, and move on to someone/something new. You say hes your EX-best friend. Venus person and House 1 person feel a. I also have met two men, 1 in the past and the other one currently that many of my planets fall into their 12th house. I feel I just love him unconditionally no matter what, I dream of him a lot, I have fantasies too but I keep this all to myself, a secret. Now i know why. Do you mind posting a synastry? Despite their great physical attraction towards each other, the Venus person often feels saturated with mystery and attraction of the 8th house. In all cases this is really karmic moment. Some are just hung up on their exes. This happens for me with my Neptune in the 1st house I can take in people's feelings, illness or a array of different things that pass through me temporarily. Oh one more thing: I am a Sun, Venus & Jupiter/Sag native and my Venus is opposite to my 12th House Gemini placement (Uranus-RETRO). When I think about it, it makes me sad we aren't together. I mean your spirits are communicating with each other, that type of thing. As if something beyond ourself is guiding us.what is this shit, ive been asking me many many timesand is there a way to get over this?? I've been rather busy these days but am always happy to answer questions:) The 12th house is about as mysterious and the afterlife! Lol and last night I noticed his Saturn/Pluto conjunct opposes my moon too. The twelfth house by its nature is diffuse and undefined. The 12th house is mysterious, magical, elusive, highly psychic, spiritual, and the most interesting thing about it in synastry is that relationships with planets here tend to function mostly on a unconscious level, and even a whole other world entirely. From all levels! Im all thumbs up, though, for those who do not nave the bad effects of a 12th House synastry. Men take longer to grow up emotionally. Your not crazy 12th house connections can stick to your bones. Unrequited Love in the Charts - My Christian Psychic Hi, Feeling. Its possible the blind spot is yours, not his. hello, does anyone by any chance have any experience with venus being in the 12th house within synastry? Venus Synastry: 1st House Overlay in Astrology - ASTROFIX You need some fire. so i point it out, and im more aware. i had experience with a guy who have 4 benefic planets in my 12th house. Venus Synastry in the Houses - Pathstrology Venus-Uranus in Synastry May 10, 2013 astrologyplace Those with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Uranus in Synastry create exciting sparks in relationships. To this some spice adds venus/neptune square. you just have to separate your spirit from them somehow, as that seems to be the deepest connection between you and them. Ouch!We do not see clearly, we imagine things differently than they are, we trust, we assume, we are not working with facts but what we want to believe and feelings. Spirtual, Telepathic, Emotionally, Karmic, & Soulful. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. It can point to an affair or clandestine encounter. They may also help you feel secure and confident when they are around. So, it's painful when such love is not returned, like part of me is out there without a chance of getting it back.Lilly, Oh my.what a 12th house story:) this house leaves a deep imprint and we are often left with longings for what could have been. I felt, I felt sooo hard, in a glance, while looking in his eyes, and feeling like I had know this person for ages. Forum Venus in 8th house synastry Posts: 8 scorpiounique Topic starter March 7, 2022 9:36 am (@scorpiounique) Active Member Joined: 6 years ago His Pisces Venus falls into my Pisces 8th house. His sun falls in my 8th and his moon in my 12th where my sun is. HOWEVER, with that new Gemini in me birthing, I also recognized very deep and troubling things within HIM that were NOT in me (thank the LORD!! He understands me in a very deep level. He have deep psychic connection upon me, where he called me at a right time. Fatherly type things like that. I often attract men who has Leo personal planets which falls in my 12th house. You have a tendency to fall in love with people who re not available, and . I FEEL like he's controlling his emotions for some reason unknown to me. As somebody with a 10th house stellium, including Mars, Moon, & Venus with Aries on the midheaven-if somebody fails to openly display their feelings for me, I'm gone. Am THANKFUL that it finally ended, but at the same time I value the lessons learned from our dance. just keep on going in the OPPOSITE direction away from me as FAR AS YOU CAN!! Blessings come in MANY modes and appearances! And yes, it plays out just you would think it does. Thanks Zahara, what you say makes sense. With him, it's never "goodbye," no matter what. i did not have any dreams of them. It was beautiful and tragic, and the deepest feelings I ever had. You got bit BAD by the oh-so charismatic, elusive 12th Houser! I've never experienced Venus in my 12th house until now, but yup That's what it is like. These are actions of some type. Venus-Pluto Synastry - Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite There is a guy with his scorpio stellium (venus, moon, and pluto) in my 12th house, with his venus/pluto conjunct my Asc/pluto. If he has Moon/Cancer, just know that you are dealing with an emotional and sensitive soul, which of course will make him insecure in his dealings with you. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Juno in Synastry, Signs, and Houses: Your Soulmate and Marriage Im going through a bunch of Uranus and Pluto square transits right now and I have a very strong feeling this will not survive. Venus trine Pluto, sun and Saturn trine. Be direct, ask questions, dig deep, ask for proof and confirmation. I act so stupid around him and he makes it hard for me to think properly at all. Possibly. Venus in 12th House Synastry - Astrology School Without knowing of his opposite actions that indicate his interest in you, its hard to weigh this and determine what the deal is. Venus in the 12th House of Synastry | Astrologers' Community Lol. But Tabitha seems to attract controlling lovers (maybe she has Pluto in her 7th House). I felt I was led to believe they cared for me, and while showering me with attention, long distance no less, never told me they had feelings for someone else they were trying to avoid. Very confusing . Obsessive, perhaps a bit and with your planets in the 8th I am sure it's not one way:). Knowflake. Sometimes it's strange and you can't make sense of it. I don't know if I am able to, honestly.This really feels like karmic bond. One is Taurus and the other is Libra. Lesson learned: let the men pick ME instead of the other way around. And thats when he disappeared. Boy did WE clash, but seemingly there were no 12th House synastries between us. He might love you but in his own way. Venus in the 12th house Synastry ( Love that's hard to catch) - YouTube When Venus falls into ones 12th house things can get very tricky and vague.